Warning (2): include(/var/www/vhosts/vcc_staging/app/Resource/aarp2_master.head.html): failed to open stream: No such file or directory [APP/View/Layouts/aarp_2023.ctp, line 53]Code Context<?php // if (!$nowrapper) (Globals::$language == 'es') ? include(APP . "/Resource/aarpe_global_js_es.html") : include(APP . "/Resource/aarpe_global_js.html"); ?>
<?php if (!$nowrapper): // MLW - Spanish wrappers TBD
include (APP . "Resource/aarp2_master.head.html");
$viewFile = '/var/www/vhosts/vcc_staging/app/View/Layouts/aarp_2023.ctp' $dataForView = array( 'content_for_layout' => '<div class="row twoColumnLayout"> <div class="col-md-8 left-rail"><div class="module clearfix"><div class="ar-basic-box"> <div class="module-spacer"> <header><h1 class="article-headline">Log House Museum</h1></header> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6 left module-spacer"> <p> <div> <div>3003 61st Avenue SouthWest</div> <div> <span>Seattle</span>, <span>WA</span> <span>98116</span> </div> </div> </p> <div> <i class="fa fa-external-link-square"></i> <a href="http://www.loghousemuseum.org/" target="_blank">Log House Museum</a> </div> <div><i class="fa fa-phone-square"></i> 206-938-5293</div> </div> <div class="col-sm-6 module-spacer"> <iframe width="100%" height="220" frameborder="0" style="border:0" src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed/v1/place?key=AIzaSyCU5aZylcrTOLke9e3U0F2mXovlZ4bL8yk&q=Log+House+Museum%2C+3003+61st+Avenue+SouthWest%2C+Seattle%2C+WA+98116" allowfullscreen> </iframe> </div> </div> <div class="module-spacer clearfix"> <p style="text-align: justify;">The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir Lodge was one of the first year-round homes built on Alki Beach and was owned by prominent Seattleites, William and Gladys Bernard.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Mr. Bernard had established the city’s first soap company, Seattle Soap Co. and his wife Gladys was known for her devotion to children’s charities, especially orphaned children. After several summers of camping at Alki, the Bernard’s decided to put down permanent roots as year-round residents. In 1902 they announced plans to construct a unique log house combining the attributes of a summer cottage with a thoroughly modern home. The Fir Lodge was typical of the Rustic Style which was popular at the turn of the century. Today, the Fir Lodge survives as the Homestead Restaurant.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Three years after building the Fir Lodge, the Bernard’s decided to sell their comfortable Alki estate and move back to Seattle. Gladys recalled that it was the separation from the city that made life at Alki difficult. “Servants were hard to keep because we were so far out,” she said, ‘and we couldn’t stay in town at night because the ferry stopped running. When the tide was out we couldn’t come home.” Their young daughter Marie attended a school in Seattle and made a rather lengthy boat commute to school each day. The advent of streetcars made quiet Alki Beach much more accessible to beach-goers, turning the beach into a lively resort area. And Luna Park’s crowds and loud nightlife added to the congestion and to the lack of privacy and tranquility that the once out-of-the-way beach community prized.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">In June 1907, the Fir Lodge was purchased by the Seattle Auto and Driving Club, an organization of auto enthusiasts who planned to use the lodge as a place for their club members to rendezvous after the long drive from Seattle. In subsequent years, it was a boarding house, a Veteran’s home, and finally the Homestead Restaurant. Around 1908, the carriage house was moved from its original location on the estate, approximately 100’ NW of here, (in the center of the street.) It is believed that when the city put in West Seattle’s streets that this building was moved, to make way for Stevens Street. At that time, the foundation was probably added and the building converted from a stable to additional living spaces. The upstairs of the carriage house is believed to have originally been a hayloft and the space above the inside of the front door was its opening.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">This old building, which is built of Douglas fir logs, has been a home to various Alki families for most of the past 90+ years. At one time it even housed an antique store.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The carriage house was purchased by the Southwest Seattle Historical Society in 1995, restored, and converted into the Log House Museum. The restoration was made possible through a grass-roots fund raising effort which raised over $875,000. The Log House Museum has been open since November 13, 1997, the 146th anniversary of the landing of the Alki party on Alki’s beach. The landscaping is all done with native planting. A granite and marble donor circle adorns the courtyard in tribute to the many people who helped make this heritage project an award-winning facility and a community treasure.</p> </div> <div class="reportthis" style="margin-bottom: 20px;"> <form method="post" action="/seattle-wa/report/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html"> <button type="submit" class="btn btnregister pull-right" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">Flag This Place</button> </form> </div> <div class="report_button_message">Please use "Flag This Place" to alert us about content that is inappropriate or needs immediate attention. Nothing you submit will be shared with other site visitors. </div> <style> .report_button_message { color: #333; font-size: 12px; clear: both; } </style> </div> </div> </div><div class="module clearfix"><div class="module-spacer tout-homefit-750"> <a data-formelementid="CSN-LOCAL-HC-PLSK-02272024" href="/seattle-wa/home-and-community/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-HC-PLSK-02272024"><img class="img-responsive" alt="Explore the free AARP HomeFit Guide" title="Explore the free AARP HomeFit Guide" src="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/touts/HomeFit_750x150.png"></a> </div></div></div> <div class="col-md-4 right-rail thin-rhs"><div class="module clearfix"><!--default--> <!-- module_RHS - AARP Events --> <div class="ar-basic-box module-spacer"> <header> <div class="pull-right"> <a href="/seattle-wa/aarp-events/" data-formelementid="LOCAL-BTN-CLK-SEEALL-EVENTS"> <img style="width:30px;" src="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/template/icons/aarp_event_icon.png" alt="Upcoming AARP Events" /> </a> </div> <h2 class="visible-lg">AARP Events for Seattle</h2> <h2 class="hidden-lg">AARP Events for Seattle</h2> </header> <div class="wrap"> <div class="ar-listing snippet"> <ul class="list"> <li class="item" data-pageindex="1"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/aarp-event/carfit-virtual-workshop-lets-talk-vehicle-safety-and-comfort-mjn8hlhnpds.html" data-formelementid="LOCAL-BTN-CLK-EVENTS-CARFIT-VIRTUAL-WORKSHOP-LETS-TALK-VEHICLE-SAFETY-AND-COMFORT">CarFit Virtual Workshop: Let's Talk – Vehicle Safety and Comfort</a></h2> <p class="time">Wednesday, Jan 8, 2025 at 11:30 a.m. PT</p> <p class="venue">Zoom</p> <p class="loc">Online Event</p> </li><li class="item" data-pageindex="1"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/aarp-event/power-up-your-knowledge-on-electric-vehicles-g8n9h8w7lrw.html" data-formelementid="LOCAL-BTN-CLK-EVENTS-POWER-UP-YOUR-KNOWLEDGE-ON-ELECTRIC-VEHICLES">Power Up Your Knowledge on Electric Vehicles</a></h2> <p class="time">Monday, Jan 13, 2025 at 4:00 p.m. PT</p> <p class="venue">Zoom</p> <p class="loc">Online Event</p> </li><li class="item" data-pageindex="1"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/driver-safety/aarp-smart-driver-montesano-wa-c34209.html" data-formelementid="LOCAL-BTN-CLK-EVENTS-AARP-SMART-DRIVERTM-MONTESANO-PRESBYTERIAN-CHURCH">AARP Smart Driver™: Montesano Presbyterian Church</a></h2> <p class="time">Wednesday, Jan 15, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. PT</p> <p class="venue">Montesano Presbyterian Church</p> <p class="loc">Montesano, WA</p> </li> </ul> <p><a class="link-red" href="/seattle-wa/aarp-events/" data-formelementid="LOCAL-BTN-CLK-SEEALL-EVENTS">View All AARP Events<i class="ml-1 fas fa-chevron-right"></i></a></p> </div> </div> </div> <div aria-hidden="true" class="aarpe-ad-wrapper"> <div class="aarpe-ad en clearfix" id="300x250_53475" data-adsize="300x250"> <script type="text/javascript"> if(typeof AARP.ads !== 'undefined'){ AARP.ads.slots({ id:'300x250_53475', size:'300x250'}); } </script> </div> </div> <div class="card-tout card-dark membership-tout" style="margin:0 0 30px 0;"> <img class="img-responsive image" title="image of two AARP membership cards" alt="image of two AARP membership cards" src="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/tout-two-cards.png"> <div class="title">Only $12 your first year with Automatic Renewal</div> <ul class="list"> <li>Immediate access to your <a href="https://www.aarp.org/benefits-discounts/">member benefits</a></li> <li>Discounts on travel and everyday savings</li> <li>Subscription to AARP The Magazine</li> <li>FREE second membership</li> </ul> <div class="action"> <a class="btn" href="https://appsec.aarp.org/mem/join?campaignid=UAJFT3&intcmp=LNK-CSN-AARPLOCAL-JRTOUT-RR-A-SEATTLE-WA">Join AARP</a> <div class="body">Already a member? <a href="https://appsec.aarp.org/mem/renew?campaignid= UARFT3&intcmp=LNK-CSN-AARPLOCAL-JRTOUT-RR-A-SEATTLE-WA">Renew</a> or <a href="https://www.aarp.org/benefits-discounts/my-membership/print-your-card/">Print Card</a></div> </div> </div> <style> .membership-tout {padding:16px 20px;} .membership-tout .list li { margin: 0; } </style> <div aria-hidden="true" class="aarpe-ad-wrapper"> <div class="aarpe-ad en clearfix" id="300x250_93505" data-adsize="300x250"> <script type="text/javascript"> if(typeof AARP.ads !== 'undefined'){ AARP.ads.slots({ id:'300x250_93505', size:'300x250'}); } </script> </div> </div> <div class="module-spacer text-center"> <div class="fb-page" alt="Image of AARP Washington Facebook Page" title="Image of AARP Washington Facebook Page" data-href="https://www.facebook.com/AARPWA" data-tabs="timeline" width="320" height="" data-small-header="false" data-adapt-container-width="true" data-hide-cover="false" data-show-facepile="true" lazy="true"> <blockquote cite="https://www.facebook.com/AARPWA" class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore"><a href="https://www.facebook.com/AARPWA">Facebook</a></blockquote> </div> </div> <div class="ar-basic-box module-spacer"> <header> <h2>Contact AARP <br />in Seattle</h2> </header> <div class="wrap"> <div class="ar-quick-list module-spacer"> <ul class="list-unstyled"> <li><i class="list-icon fa fa-envelope" alt="Email icon" title="Email icon" aria-hidden="true"></i><a href="mailto:seattle@aarp.org" target="_blank" rel="noopener">seattle@aarp.org</a></li> <li><i class="list-icon fa fa-globe" alt="Globe icon" title="Globe icon" aria-hidden="true"></i><a href="https://states.aarp.org/region/washington/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">AARP Washington</a></li> <li><i class="list-icon fa fa-map-marker" alt="Map Marker icon" title="Map Marker icon" aria-hidden="true"></i><a href="http://states.aarp.org/welcome-to-aarp-washington/?intcmp=SNG-LNK-AARPLOCAL-CONTACT-20171231-SEATTLE-WA" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Contact Us</a></li> </ul> </div> <a href="https://www.facebook.com/AARPWA" target="_blank" rel="noopener" aria-label="Open Facebook"><img src="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/responsive/icons/48/facebook-dreamstale25.png" alt="Facebook icon" title="Facebook icon"></a> <a href="https://twitter.com/AARPWA" target="_blank" rel="noopener" aria-label="Open Twitter"><img src="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/responsive/icons/48/x-logo-black.png" alt="Twitter icon" title="Twitter icon"></a> <a href="https://www.instagram.com/aarpwa/" target="_blank" rel="noopener" aria-label="Open Instagram"><img src="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/icon-ig.png" alt="Instagram icon" title="Instagram icon" style="height: 49px;"></a> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="col-md-8 left-rail left-bot"></div> <div class="col-md-4 right-rail right-bot thin-rhs"></div> </div> <div class="row oneColumnLayout"> </div> <div class="row oneColumnLayout"> <div class="col-md-12"><!-- script to activate navbar --> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(".channelBarMain ul.left li a").click(function() { window.location = jQuery(this).attr('href'); }); </script> </div> </div> ', 'scripts_for_layout' => '<title>Log House Museum - Seattle, WA</title> <meta name="page_title" content="Log House Museum - Seattle, WA"/> <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow"/> <meta content="The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir" name="description"/> <meta content="Log, House, Museum, Seattle, WA" name="keywords"/> <link rel="canonical" href="https://www.americantowns.com/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html" /> <meta property="og:url" content="https://vccstaging.local.aarp.org/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html"/> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"/> <meta name="twitter:title" content="Log House Museum"/> <meta name="twitter:description" content="The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir"/> <meta name="twitter:image" content="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/template/thumbs/generic-icon.jpg"/> <meta property="og:type" content="place"/> <meta property="og:title" content="Log House Museum"/> <meta property="og:description" content="The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir"/> <meta property="og:image" content="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/template/thumbs/generic-icon.jpg"/> <meta property="place:location:latitude" content="47.577599"/> <meta property="place:location:longitude" content="-122.411003"/> ', 'title_for_layout' => 'Place Detail - AARP' ) $content_for_layout = '<div class="row twoColumnLayout"> <div class="col-md-8 left-rail"><div class="module clearfix"><div class="ar-basic-box"> <div class="module-spacer"> <header><h1 class="article-headline">Log House Museum</h1></header> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6 left module-spacer"> <p> <div> <div>3003 61st Avenue SouthWest</div> <div> <span>Seattle</span>, <span>WA</span> <span>98116</span> </div> </div> </p> <div> <i class="fa fa-external-link-square"></i> <a href="http://www.loghousemuseum.org/" target="_blank">Log House Museum</a> </div> <div><i class="fa fa-phone-square"></i> 206-938-5293</div> </div> <div class="col-sm-6 module-spacer"> <iframe width="100%" height="220" frameborder="0" style="border:0" src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed/v1/place?key=AIzaSyCU5aZylcrTOLke9e3U0F2mXovlZ4bL8yk&q=Log+House+Museum%2C+3003+61st+Avenue+SouthWest%2C+Seattle%2C+WA+98116" allowfullscreen> </iframe> </div> </div> <div class="module-spacer clearfix"> <p style="text-align: justify;">The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir Lodge was one of the first year-round homes built on Alki Beach and was owned by prominent Seattleites, William and Gladys Bernard.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Mr. Bernard had established the city’s first soap company, Seattle Soap Co. and his wife Gladys was known for her devotion to children’s charities, especially orphaned children. After several summers of camping at Alki, the Bernard’s decided to put down permanent roots as year-round residents. In 1902 they announced plans to construct a unique log house combining the attributes of a summer cottage with a thoroughly modern home. The Fir Lodge was typical of the Rustic Style which was popular at the turn of the century. Today, the Fir Lodge survives as the Homestead Restaurant.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Three years after building the Fir Lodge, the Bernard’s decided to sell their comfortable Alki estate and move back to Seattle. Gladys recalled that it was the separation from the city that made life at Alki difficult. “Servants were hard to keep because we were so far out,” she said, ‘and we couldn’t stay in town at night because the ferry stopped running. When the tide was out we couldn’t come home.” Their young daughter Marie attended a school in Seattle and made a rather lengthy boat commute to school each day. The advent of streetcars made quiet Alki Beach much more accessible to beach-goers, turning the beach into a lively resort area. And Luna Park’s crowds and loud nightlife added to the congestion and to the lack of privacy and tranquility that the once out-of-the-way beach community prized.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">In June 1907, the Fir Lodge was purchased by the Seattle Auto and Driving Club, an organization of auto enthusiasts who planned to use the lodge as a place for their club members to rendezvous after the long drive from Seattle. In subsequent years, it was a boarding house, a Veteran’s home, and finally the Homestead Restaurant. Around 1908, the carriage house was moved from its original location on the estate, approximately 100’ NW of here, (in the center of the street.) It is believed that when the city put in West Seattle’s streets that this building was moved, to make way for Stevens Street. At that time, the foundation was probably added and the building converted from a stable to additional living spaces. The upstairs of the carriage house is believed to have originally been a hayloft and the space above the inside of the front door was its opening.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">This old building, which is built of Douglas fir logs, has been a home to various Alki families for most of the past 90+ years. At one time it even housed an antique store.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The carriage house was purchased by the Southwest Seattle Historical Society in 1995, restored, and converted into the Log House Museum. The restoration was made possible through a grass-roots fund raising effort which raised over $875,000. The Log House Museum has been open since November 13, 1997, the 146th anniversary of the landing of the Alki party on Alki’s beach. The landscaping is all done with native planting. A granite and marble donor circle adorns the courtyard in tribute to the many people who helped make this heritage project an award-winning facility and a community treasure.</p> </div> <div class="reportthis" style="margin-bottom: 20px;"> <form method="post" action="/seattle-wa/report/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html"> <button type="submit" class="btn btnregister pull-right" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">Flag This Place</button> </form> </div> <div class="report_button_message">Please use "Flag This Place" to alert us about content that is inappropriate or needs immediate attention. Nothing you submit will be shared with other site visitors. </div> <style> .report_button_message { color: #333; font-size: 12px; clear: both; } </style> </div> </div> </div><div class="module clearfix"><div class="module-spacer tout-homefit-750"> <a data-formelementid="CSN-LOCAL-HC-PLSK-02272024" href="/seattle-wa/home-and-community/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-HC-PLSK-02272024"><img class="img-responsive" alt="Explore the free AARP HomeFit Guide" title="Explore the free AARP HomeFit Guide" src="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/touts/HomeFit_750x150.png"></a> </div></div></div> <div class="col-md-4 right-rail thin-rhs"><div class="module clearfix"><!--default--> <!-- module_RHS - AARP Events --> <div class="ar-basic-box module-spacer"> <header> <div class="pull-right"> <a href="/seattle-wa/aarp-events/" data-formelementid="LOCAL-BTN-CLK-SEEALL-EVENTS"> <img style="width:30px;" src="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/template/icons/aarp_event_icon.png" alt="Upcoming AARP Events" /> </a> </div> <h2 class="visible-lg">AARP Events for Seattle</h2> <h2 class="hidden-lg">AARP Events for Seattle</h2> </header> <div class="wrap"> <div class="ar-listing snippet"> <ul class="list"> <li class="item" data-pageindex="1"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/aarp-event/carfit-virtual-workshop-lets-talk-vehicle-safety-and-comfort-mjn8hlhnpds.html" data-formelementid="LOCAL-BTN-CLK-EVENTS-CARFIT-VIRTUAL-WORKSHOP-LETS-TALK-VEHICLE-SAFETY-AND-COMFORT">CarFit Virtual Workshop: Let's Talk – Vehicle Safety and Comfort</a></h2> <p class="time">Wednesday, Jan 8, 2025 at 11:30 a.m. PT</p> <p class="venue">Zoom</p> <p class="loc">Online Event</p> </li><li class="item" data-pageindex="1"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/aarp-event/power-up-your-knowledge-on-electric-vehicles-g8n9h8w7lrw.html" data-formelementid="LOCAL-BTN-CLK-EVENTS-POWER-UP-YOUR-KNOWLEDGE-ON-ELECTRIC-VEHICLES">Power Up Your Knowledge on Electric Vehicles</a></h2> <p class="time">Monday, Jan 13, 2025 at 4:00 p.m. PT</p> <p class="venue">Zoom</p> <p class="loc">Online Event</p> </li><li class="item" data-pageindex="1"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/driver-safety/aarp-smart-driver-montesano-wa-c34209.html" data-formelementid="LOCAL-BTN-CLK-EVENTS-AARP-SMART-DRIVERTM-MONTESANO-PRESBYTERIAN-CHURCH">AARP Smart Driver™: Montesano Presbyterian Church</a></h2> <p class="time">Wednesday, Jan 15, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. PT</p> <p class="venue">Montesano Presbyterian Church</p> <p class="loc">Montesano, WA</p> </li> </ul> <p><a class="link-red" href="/seattle-wa/aarp-events/" data-formelementid="LOCAL-BTN-CLK-SEEALL-EVENTS">View All AARP Events<i class="ml-1 fas fa-chevron-right"></i></a></p> </div> </div> </div> <div aria-hidden="true" class="aarpe-ad-wrapper"> <div class="aarpe-ad en clearfix" id="300x250_53475" data-adsize="300x250"> <script type="text/javascript"> if(typeof AARP.ads !== 'undefined'){ AARP.ads.slots({ id:'300x250_53475', size:'300x250'}); } </script> </div> </div> <div class="card-tout card-dark membership-tout" style="margin:0 0 30px 0;"> <img class="img-responsive image" title="image of two AARP membership cards" alt="image of two AARP membership cards" src="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/tout-two-cards.png"> <div class="title">Only $12 your first year with Automatic Renewal</div> <ul class="list"> <li>Immediate access to your <a href="https://www.aarp.org/benefits-discounts/">member benefits</a></li> <li>Discounts on travel and everyday savings</li> <li>Subscription to AARP The Magazine</li> <li>FREE second membership</li> </ul> <div class="action"> <a class="btn" href="https://appsec.aarp.org/mem/join?campaignid=UAJFT3&intcmp=LNK-CSN-AARPLOCAL-JRTOUT-RR-A-SEATTLE-WA">Join AARP</a> <div class="body">Already a member? 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$viewFile = '/var/www/vhosts/vcc_staging/app/View/Layouts/aarp_2023.ctp' $dataForView = array( 'content_for_layout' => '<div class="row twoColumnLayout"> <div class="col-md-8 left-rail"><div class="module clearfix"><div class="ar-basic-box"> <div class="module-spacer"> <header><h1 class="article-headline">Log House Museum</h1></header> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6 left module-spacer"> <p> <div> <div>3003 61st Avenue SouthWest</div> <div> <span>Seattle</span>, <span>WA</span> <span>98116</span> </div> </div> </p> <div> <i class="fa fa-external-link-square"></i> <a href="http://www.loghousemuseum.org/" target="_blank">Log House Museum</a> </div> <div><i class="fa fa-phone-square"></i> 206-938-5293</div> </div> <div class="col-sm-6 module-spacer"> <iframe width="100%" height="220" frameborder="0" style="border:0" src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed/v1/place?key=AIzaSyCU5aZylcrTOLke9e3U0F2mXovlZ4bL8yk&q=Log+House+Museum%2C+3003+61st+Avenue+SouthWest%2C+Seattle%2C+WA+98116" allowfullscreen> </iframe> </div> </div> <div class="module-spacer clearfix"> <p style="text-align: justify;">The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir Lodge was one of the first year-round homes built on Alki Beach and was owned by prominent Seattleites, William and Gladys Bernard.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Mr. Bernard had established the city’s first soap company, Seattle Soap Co. and his wife Gladys was known for her devotion to children’s charities, especially orphaned children. After several summers of camping at Alki, the Bernard’s decided to put down permanent roots as year-round residents. In 1902 they announced plans to construct a unique log house combining the attributes of a summer cottage with a thoroughly modern home. The Fir Lodge was typical of the Rustic Style which was popular at the turn of the century. Today, the Fir Lodge survives as the Homestead Restaurant.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Three years after building the Fir Lodge, the Bernard’s decided to sell their comfortable Alki estate and move back to Seattle. Gladys recalled that it was the separation from the city that made life at Alki difficult. “Servants were hard to keep because we were so far out,” she said, ‘and we couldn’t stay in town at night because the ferry stopped running. When the tide was out we couldn’t come home.” Their young daughter Marie attended a school in Seattle and made a rather lengthy boat commute to school each day. The advent of streetcars made quiet Alki Beach much more accessible to beach-goers, turning the beach into a lively resort area. And Luna Park’s crowds and loud nightlife added to the congestion and to the lack of privacy and tranquility that the once out-of-the-way beach community prized.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">In June 1907, the Fir Lodge was purchased by the Seattle Auto and Driving Club, an organization of auto enthusiasts who planned to use the lodge as a place for their club members to rendezvous after the long drive from Seattle. In subsequent years, it was a boarding house, a Veteran’s home, and finally the Homestead Restaurant. Around 1908, the carriage house was moved from its original location on the estate, approximately 100’ NW of here, (in the center of the street.) It is believed that when the city put in West Seattle’s streets that this building was moved, to make way for Stevens Street. At that time, the foundation was probably added and the building converted from a stable to additional living spaces. The upstairs of the carriage house is believed to have originally been a hayloft and the space above the inside of the front door was its opening.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">This old building, which is built of Douglas fir logs, has been a home to various Alki families for most of the past 90+ years. At one time it even housed an antique store.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The carriage house was purchased by the Southwest Seattle Historical Society in 1995, restored, and converted into the Log House Museum. The restoration was made possible through a grass-roots fund raising effort which raised over $875,000. The Log House Museum has been open since November 13, 1997, the 146th anniversary of the landing of the Alki party on Alki’s beach. The landscaping is all done with native planting. A granite and marble donor circle adorns the courtyard in tribute to the many people who helped make this heritage project an award-winning facility and a community treasure.</p> </div> <div class="reportthis" style="margin-bottom: 20px;"> <form method="post" action="/seattle-wa/report/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html"> <button type="submit" class="btn btnregister pull-right" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">Flag This Place</button> </form> </div> <div class="report_button_message">Please use "Flag This Place" to alert us about content that is inappropriate or needs immediate attention. 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The Fir" name="description"/> <meta content="Log, House, Museum, Seattle, WA" name="keywords"/> <link rel="canonical" href="https://www.americantowns.com/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html" /> <meta property="og:url" content="https://vccstaging.local.aarp.org/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html"/> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"/> <meta name="twitter:title" content="Log House Museum"/> <meta name="twitter:description" content="The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir"/> <meta name="twitter:image" content="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/template/thumbs/generic-icon.jpg"/> <meta property="og:type" content="place"/> <meta property="og:title" content="Log House Museum"/> <meta property="og:description" content="The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir"/> <meta property="og:image" content="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/template/thumbs/generic-icon.jpg"/> <meta property="place:location:latitude" content="47.577599"/> <meta property="place:location:longitude" content="-122.411003"/> ', 'title_for_layout' => 'Place Detail - AARP' ) $content_for_layout = '<div class="row twoColumnLayout"> <div class="col-md-8 left-rail"><div class="module clearfix"><div class="ar-basic-box"> <div class="module-spacer"> <header><h1 class="article-headline">Log House Museum</h1></header> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6 left module-spacer"> <p> <div> <div>3003 61st Avenue SouthWest</div> <div> <span>Seattle</span>, <span>WA</span> <span>98116</span> </div> </div> </p> <div> <i class="fa fa-external-link-square"></i> <a href="http://www.loghousemuseum.org/" target="_blank">Log House Museum</a> </div> <div><i class="fa fa-phone-square"></i> 206-938-5293</div> </div> <div class="col-sm-6 module-spacer"> <iframe width="100%" height="220" frameborder="0" style="border:0" src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed/v1/place?key=AIzaSyCU5aZylcrTOLke9e3U0F2mXovlZ4bL8yk&q=Log+House+Museum%2C+3003+61st+Avenue+SouthWest%2C+Seattle%2C+WA+98116" allowfullscreen> </iframe> </div> </div> <div class="module-spacer clearfix"> <p style="text-align: justify;">The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir Lodge was one of the first year-round homes built on Alki Beach and was owned by prominent Seattleites, William and Gladys Bernard.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Mr. Bernard had established the city’s first soap company, Seattle Soap Co. and his wife Gladys was known for her devotion to children’s charities, especially orphaned children. After several summers of camping at Alki, the Bernard’s decided to put down permanent roots as year-round residents. In 1902 they announced plans to construct a unique log house combining the attributes of a summer cottage with a thoroughly modern home. The Fir Lodge was typical of the Rustic Style which was popular at the turn of the century. Today, the Fir Lodge survives as the Homestead Restaurant.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Three years after building the Fir Lodge, the Bernard’s decided to sell their comfortable Alki estate and move back to Seattle. Gladys recalled that it was the separation from the city that made life at Alki difficult. “Servants were hard to keep because we were so far out,” she said, ‘and we couldn’t stay in town at night because the ferry stopped running. When the tide was out we couldn’t come home.” Their young daughter Marie attended a school in Seattle and made a rather lengthy boat commute to school each day. The advent of streetcars made quiet Alki Beach much more accessible to beach-goers, turning the beach into a lively resort area. And Luna Park’s crowds and loud nightlife added to the congestion and to the lack of privacy and tranquility that the once out-of-the-way beach community prized.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">In June 1907, the Fir Lodge was purchased by the Seattle Auto and Driving Club, an organization of auto enthusiasts who planned to use the lodge as a place for their club members to rendezvous after the long drive from Seattle. In subsequent years, it was a boarding house, a Veteran’s home, and finally the Homestead Restaurant. Around 1908, the carriage house was moved from its original location on the estate, approximately 100’ NW of here, (in the center of the street.) It is believed that when the city put in West Seattle’s streets that this building was moved, to make way for Stevens Street. At that time, the foundation was probably added and the building converted from a stable to additional living spaces. The upstairs of the carriage house is believed to have originally been a hayloft and the space above the inside of the front door was its opening.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">This old building, which is built of Douglas fir logs, has been a home to various Alki families for most of the past 90+ years. At one time it even housed an antique store.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The carriage house was purchased by the Southwest Seattle Historical Society in 1995, restored, and converted into the Log House Museum. The restoration was made possible through a grass-roots fund raising effort which raised over $875,000. The Log House Museum has been open since November 13, 1997, the 146th anniversary of the landing of the Alki party on Alki’s beach. The landscaping is all done with native planting. A granite and marble donor circle adorns the courtyard in tribute to the many people who helped make this heritage project an award-winning facility and a community treasure.</p> </div> <div class="reportthis" style="margin-bottom: 20px;"> <form method="post" action="/seattle-wa/report/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html"> <button type="submit" class="btn btnregister pull-right" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">Flag This Place</button> </form> </div> <div class="report_button_message">Please use "Flag This Place" to alert us about content that is inappropriate or needs immediate attention. Nothing you submit will be shared with other site visitors. </div> <style> .report_button_message { color: #333; font-size: 12px; clear: both; } </style> </div> </div> </div><div class="module clearfix"><div class="module-spacer tout-homefit-750"> <a data-formelementid="CSN-LOCAL-HC-PLSK-02272024" href="/seattle-wa/home-and-community/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-HC-PLSK-02272024"><img class="img-responsive" alt="Explore the free AARP HomeFit Guide" title="Explore the free AARP HomeFit Guide" src="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/touts/HomeFit_750x150.png"></a> </div></div></div> <div class="col-md-4 right-rail thin-rhs"><div class="module clearfix"><!--default--> <!-- module_RHS - AARP Events --> <div class="ar-basic-box module-spacer"> <header> <div class="pull-right"> <a href="/seattle-wa/aarp-events/" data-formelementid="LOCAL-BTN-CLK-SEEALL-EVENTS"> <img style="width:30px;" src="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/template/icons/aarp_event_icon.png" alt="Upcoming AARP Events" /> </a> </div> <h2 class="visible-lg">AARP Events for Seattle</h2> <h2 class="hidden-lg">AARP Events for Seattle</h2> </header> <div class="wrap"> <div class="ar-listing snippet"> <ul class="list"> <li class="item" data-pageindex="1"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/aarp-event/carfit-virtual-workshop-lets-talk-vehicle-safety-and-comfort-mjn8hlhnpds.html" data-formelementid="LOCAL-BTN-CLK-EVENTS-CARFIT-VIRTUAL-WORKSHOP-LETS-TALK-VEHICLE-SAFETY-AND-COMFORT">CarFit Virtual Workshop: Let's Talk – Vehicle Safety and Comfort</a></h2> <p class="time">Wednesday, Jan 8, 2025 at 11:30 a.m. PT</p> <p class="venue">Zoom</p> <p class="loc">Online Event</p> </li><li class="item" data-pageindex="1"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/aarp-event/power-up-your-knowledge-on-electric-vehicles-g8n9h8w7lrw.html" data-formelementid="LOCAL-BTN-CLK-EVENTS-POWER-UP-YOUR-KNOWLEDGE-ON-ELECTRIC-VEHICLES">Power Up Your Knowledge on Electric Vehicles</a></h2> <p class="time">Monday, Jan 13, 2025 at 4:00 p.m. PT</p> <p class="venue">Zoom</p> <p class="loc">Online Event</p> </li><li class="item" data-pageindex="1"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/driver-safety/aarp-smart-driver-montesano-wa-c34209.html" data-formelementid="LOCAL-BTN-CLK-EVENTS-AARP-SMART-DRIVERTM-MONTESANO-PRESBYTERIAN-CHURCH">AARP Smart Driver™: Montesano Presbyterian Church</a></h2> <p class="time">Wednesday, Jan 15, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. PT</p> <p class="venue">Montesano Presbyterian Church</p> <p class="loc">Montesano, WA</p> </li> </ul> <p><a class="link-red" href="/seattle-wa/aarp-events/" data-formelementid="LOCAL-BTN-CLK-SEEALL-EVENTS">View All AARP Events<i class="ml-1 fas fa-chevron-right"></i></a></p> </div> </div> </div> <div aria-hidden="true" class="aarpe-ad-wrapper"> <div class="aarpe-ad en clearfix" id="300x250_53475" data-adsize="300x250"> <script type="text/javascript"> if(typeof AARP.ads !== 'undefined'){ AARP.ads.slots({ id:'300x250_53475', size:'300x250'}); } </script> </div> </div> <div class="card-tout card-dark membership-tout" style="margin:0 0 30px 0;"> <img class="img-responsive image" title="image of two AARP membership cards" alt="image of two AARP membership cards" src="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/tout-two-cards.png"> <div class="title">Only $12 your first year with Automatic Renewal</div> <ul class="list"> <li>Immediate access to your <a href="https://www.aarp.org/benefits-discounts/">member benefits</a></li> <li>Discounts on travel and everyday savings</li> <li>Subscription to AARP The Magazine</li> <li>FREE second membership</li> </ul> <div class="action"> <a class="btn" href="https://appsec.aarp.org/mem/join?campaignid=UAJFT3&intcmp=LNK-CSN-AARPLOCAL-JRTOUT-RR-A-SEATTLE-WA">Join AARP</a> <div class="body">Already a member? 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The Fir" name="description"/> <meta content="Log, House, Museum, Seattle, WA" name="keywords"/> <link rel="canonical" href="https://www.americantowns.com/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html" /> <meta property="og:url" content="https://vccstaging.local.aarp.org/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html"/> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"/> <meta name="twitter:title" content="Log House Museum"/> <meta name="twitter:description" content="The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir"/> <meta name="twitter:image" content="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/template/thumbs/generic-icon.jpg"/> <meta property="og:type" content="place"/> <meta property="og:title" content="Log House Museum"/> <meta property="og:description" content="The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir"/> <meta property="og:image" content="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/template/thumbs/generic-icon.jpg"/> <meta property="place:location:latitude" content="47.577599"/> <meta property="place:location:longitude" content="-122.411003"/> ' $title_for_layout = 'Place Detail - AARP' $asset_version = '230831' $min = true $nowrapper = false $css = ''include - APP/View/Layouts/aarp_2023.ctp, line 53 include - APP/View/Layouts/aarp_2023.ctp, line 53 View::_evaluate() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 971 View::_render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 933 View::renderLayout() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 546 View::render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 481 Controller::render() - CORE/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 963 AppController::renderPage() - APP/Controller/AppController.php, line 136 PlacesController::display() - APP/Controller/PlacesController.php, line 501 ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs() - [internal], line ?? 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Warning (2): include(/var/www/vhosts/vcc_staging/app/Resource/aarp2_master.resource.root.html) [<a href='http://php.net/function.include'>function.include</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory [APP/View/Layouts/aarp_2023.ctp, line 54]Code Context<?php if (!$nowrapper): // MLW - Spanish wrappers TBD
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$viewFile = '/var/www/vhosts/vcc_staging/app/View/Layouts/aarp_2023.ctp' $dataForView = array( 'content_for_layout' => '<div class="row twoColumnLayout"> <div class="col-md-8 left-rail"><div class="module clearfix"><div class="ar-basic-box"> <div class="module-spacer"> <header><h1 class="article-headline">Log House Museum</h1></header> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6 left module-spacer"> <p> <div> <div>3003 61st Avenue SouthWest</div> <div> <span>Seattle</span>, <span>WA</span> <span>98116</span> </div> </div> </p> <div> <i class="fa fa-external-link-square"></i> <a href="http://www.loghousemuseum.org/" target="_blank">Log House Museum</a> </div> <div><i class="fa fa-phone-square"></i> 206-938-5293</div> </div> <div class="col-sm-6 module-spacer"> <iframe width="100%" height="220" frameborder="0" style="border:0" src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed/v1/place?key=AIzaSyCU5aZylcrTOLke9e3U0F2mXovlZ4bL8yk&q=Log+House+Museum%2C+3003+61st+Avenue+SouthWest%2C+Seattle%2C+WA+98116" allowfullscreen> </iframe> </div> </div> <div class="module-spacer clearfix"> <p style="text-align: justify;">The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir Lodge was one of the first year-round homes built on Alki Beach and was owned by prominent Seattleites, William and Gladys Bernard.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Mr. Bernard had established the city’s first soap company, Seattle Soap Co. and his wife Gladys was known for her devotion to children’s charities, especially orphaned children. After several summers of camping at Alki, the Bernard’s decided to put down permanent roots as year-round residents. In 1902 they announced plans to construct a unique log house combining the attributes of a summer cottage with a thoroughly modern home. The Fir Lodge was typical of the Rustic Style which was popular at the turn of the century. Today, the Fir Lodge survives as the Homestead Restaurant.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Three years after building the Fir Lodge, the Bernard’s decided to sell their comfortable Alki estate and move back to Seattle. Gladys recalled that it was the separation from the city that made life at Alki difficult. “Servants were hard to keep because we were so far out,” she said, ‘and we couldn’t stay in town at night because the ferry stopped running. When the tide was out we couldn’t come home.” Their young daughter Marie attended a school in Seattle and made a rather lengthy boat commute to school each day. The advent of streetcars made quiet Alki Beach much more accessible to beach-goers, turning the beach into a lively resort area. And Luna Park’s crowds and loud nightlife added to the congestion and to the lack of privacy and tranquility that the once out-of-the-way beach community prized.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">In June 1907, the Fir Lodge was purchased by the Seattle Auto and Driving Club, an organization of auto enthusiasts who planned to use the lodge as a place for their club members to rendezvous after the long drive from Seattle. In subsequent years, it was a boarding house, a Veteran’s home, and finally the Homestead Restaurant. Around 1908, the carriage house was moved from its original location on the estate, approximately 100’ NW of here, (in the center of the street.) It is believed that when the city put in West Seattle’s streets that this building was moved, to make way for Stevens Street. At that time, the foundation was probably added and the building converted from a stable to additional living spaces. The upstairs of the carriage house is believed to have originally been a hayloft and the space above the inside of the front door was its opening.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">This old building, which is built of Douglas fir logs, has been a home to various Alki families for most of the past 90+ years. At one time it even housed an antique store.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The carriage house was purchased by the Southwest Seattle Historical Society in 1995, restored, and converted into the Log House Museum. The restoration was made possible through a grass-roots fund raising effort which raised over $875,000. The Log House Museum has been open since November 13, 1997, the 146th anniversary of the landing of the Alki party on Alki’s beach. The landscaping is all done with native planting. A granite and marble donor circle adorns the courtyard in tribute to the many people who helped make this heritage project an award-winning facility and a community treasure.</p> </div> <div class="reportthis" style="margin-bottom: 20px;"> <form method="post" action="/seattle-wa/report/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html"> <button type="submit" class="btn btnregister pull-right" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">Flag This Place</button> </form> </div> <div class="report_button_message">Please use "Flag This Place" to alert us about content that is inappropriate or needs immediate attention. Nothing you submit will be shared with other site visitors. </div> <style> .report_button_message { color: #333; font-size: 12px; clear: both; } </style> </div> </div> </div><div class="module clearfix"><div class="module-spacer tout-homefit-750"> <a data-formelementid="CSN-LOCAL-HC-PLSK-02272024" href="/seattle-wa/home-and-community/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-HC-PLSK-02272024"><img class="img-responsive" alt="Explore the free AARP HomeFit Guide" title="Explore the free AARP HomeFit Guide" src="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/touts/HomeFit_750x150.png"></a> </div></div></div> <div class="col-md-4 right-rail thin-rhs"><div class="module clearfix"><!--default--> <!-- module_RHS - AARP Events --> <div class="ar-basic-box module-spacer"> <header> <div class="pull-right"> <a href="/seattle-wa/aarp-events/" data-formelementid="LOCAL-BTN-CLK-SEEALL-EVENTS"> <img style="width:30px;" src="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/template/icons/aarp_event_icon.png" alt="Upcoming AARP Events" /> </a> </div> <h2 class="visible-lg">AARP Events for Seattle</h2> <h2 class="hidden-lg">AARP Events for Seattle</h2> </header> <div class="wrap"> <div class="ar-listing snippet"> <ul class="list"> <li class="item" data-pageindex="1"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/aarp-event/carfit-virtual-workshop-lets-talk-vehicle-safety-and-comfort-mjn8hlhnpds.html" data-formelementid="LOCAL-BTN-CLK-EVENTS-CARFIT-VIRTUAL-WORKSHOP-LETS-TALK-VEHICLE-SAFETY-AND-COMFORT">CarFit Virtual Workshop: Let's Talk – Vehicle Safety and Comfort</a></h2> <p class="time">Wednesday, Jan 8, 2025 at 11:30 a.m. PT</p> <p class="venue">Zoom</p> <p class="loc">Online Event</p> </li><li class="item" data-pageindex="1"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/aarp-event/power-up-your-knowledge-on-electric-vehicles-g8n9h8w7lrw.html" data-formelementid="LOCAL-BTN-CLK-EVENTS-POWER-UP-YOUR-KNOWLEDGE-ON-ELECTRIC-VEHICLES">Power Up Your Knowledge on Electric Vehicles</a></h2> <p class="time">Monday, Jan 13, 2025 at 4:00 p.m. PT</p> <p class="venue">Zoom</p> <p class="loc">Online Event</p> </li><li class="item" data-pageindex="1"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/driver-safety/aarp-smart-driver-montesano-wa-c34209.html" data-formelementid="LOCAL-BTN-CLK-EVENTS-AARP-SMART-DRIVERTM-MONTESANO-PRESBYTERIAN-CHURCH">AARP Smart Driver™: Montesano Presbyterian Church</a></h2> <p class="time">Wednesday, Jan 15, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. PT</p> <p class="venue">Montesano Presbyterian Church</p> <p class="loc">Montesano, WA</p> </li> </ul> <p><a class="link-red" href="/seattle-wa/aarp-events/" data-formelementid="LOCAL-BTN-CLK-SEEALL-EVENTS">View All AARP Events<i class="ml-1 fas fa-chevron-right"></i></a></p> </div> </div> </div> <div aria-hidden="true" class="aarpe-ad-wrapper"> <div class="aarpe-ad en clearfix" id="300x250_53475" data-adsize="300x250"> <script type="text/javascript"> if(typeof AARP.ads !== 'undefined'){ AARP.ads.slots({ id:'300x250_53475', size:'300x250'}); } </script> </div> </div> <div class="card-tout card-dark membership-tout" style="margin:0 0 30px 0;"> <img class="img-responsive image" title="image of two AARP membership cards" alt="image of two AARP membership cards" src="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/tout-two-cards.png"> <div class="title">Only $12 your first year with Automatic Renewal</div> <ul class="list"> <li>Immediate access to your <a href="https://www.aarp.org/benefits-discounts/">member benefits</a></li> <li>Discounts on travel and everyday savings</li> <li>Subscription to AARP The Magazine</li> <li>FREE second membership</li> </ul> <div class="action"> <a class="btn" href="https://appsec.aarp.org/mem/join?campaignid=UAJFT3&intcmp=LNK-CSN-AARPLOCAL-JRTOUT-RR-A-SEATTLE-WA">Join AARP</a> <div class="body">Already a member? 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The Fir" name="description"/> <meta content="Log, House, Museum, Seattle, WA" name="keywords"/> <link rel="canonical" href="https://www.americantowns.com/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html" /> <meta property="og:url" content="https://vccstaging.local.aarp.org/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html"/> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"/> <meta name="twitter:title" content="Log House Museum"/> <meta name="twitter:description" content="The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir"/> <meta name="twitter:image" content="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/template/thumbs/generic-icon.jpg"/> <meta property="og:type" content="place"/> <meta property="og:title" content="Log House Museum"/> <meta property="og:description" content="The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. 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The Fir Lodge was one of the first year-round homes built on Alki Beach and was owned by prominent Seattleites, William and Gladys Bernard.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Mr. Bernard had established the city’s first soap company, Seattle Soap Co. and his wife Gladys was known for her devotion to children’s charities, especially orphaned children. After several summers of camping at Alki, the Bernard’s decided to put down permanent roots as year-round residents. In 1902 they announced plans to construct a unique log house combining the attributes of a summer cottage with a thoroughly modern home. The Fir Lodge was typical of the Rustic Style which was popular at the turn of the century. Today, the Fir Lodge survives as the Homestead Restaurant.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Three years after building the Fir Lodge, the Bernard’s decided to sell their comfortable Alki estate and move back to Seattle. Gladys recalled that it was the separation from the city that made life at Alki difficult. “Servants were hard to keep because we were so far out,” she said, ‘and we couldn’t stay in town at night because the ferry stopped running. When the tide was out we couldn’t come home.” Their young daughter Marie attended a school in Seattle and made a rather lengthy boat commute to school each day. The advent of streetcars made quiet Alki Beach much more accessible to beach-goers, turning the beach into a lively resort area. And Luna Park’s crowds and loud nightlife added to the congestion and to the lack of privacy and tranquility that the once out-of-the-way beach community prized.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">In June 1907, the Fir Lodge was purchased by the Seattle Auto and Driving Club, an organization of auto enthusiasts who planned to use the lodge as a place for their club members to rendezvous after the long drive from Seattle. In subsequent years, it was a boarding house, a Veteran’s home, and finally the Homestead Restaurant. Around 1908, the carriage house was moved from its original location on the estate, approximately 100’ NW of here, (in the center of the street.) It is believed that when the city put in West Seattle’s streets that this building was moved, to make way for Stevens Street. At that time, the foundation was probably added and the building converted from a stable to additional living spaces. The upstairs of the carriage house is believed to have originally been a hayloft and the space above the inside of the front door was its opening.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">This old building, which is built of Douglas fir logs, has been a home to various Alki families for most of the past 90+ years. At one time it even housed an antique store.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The carriage house was purchased by the Southwest Seattle Historical Society in 1995, restored, and converted into the Log House Museum. The restoration was made possible through a grass-roots fund raising effort which raised over $875,000. The Log House Museum has been open since November 13, 1997, the 146th anniversary of the landing of the Alki party on Alki’s beach. The landscaping is all done with native planting. A granite and marble donor circle adorns the courtyard in tribute to the many people who helped make this heritage project an award-winning facility and a community treasure.</p> </div> <div class="reportthis" style="margin-bottom: 20px;"> <form method="post" action="/seattle-wa/report/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html"> <button type="submit" class="btn btnregister pull-right" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">Flag This Place</button> </form> </div> <div class="report_button_message">Please use "Flag This Place" to alert us about content that is inappropriate or needs immediate attention. 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$viewFile = '/var/www/vhosts/vcc_staging/app/View/Layouts/aarp_2023.ctp' $dataForView = array( 'content_for_layout' => '<div class="row twoColumnLayout"> <div class="col-md-8 left-rail"><div class="module clearfix"><div class="ar-basic-box"> <div class="module-spacer"> <header><h1 class="article-headline">Log House Museum</h1></header> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6 left module-spacer"> <p> <div> <div>3003 61st Avenue SouthWest</div> <div> <span>Seattle</span>, <span>WA</span> <span>98116</span> </div> </div> </p> <div> <i class="fa fa-external-link-square"></i> <a href="http://www.loghousemuseum.org/" target="_blank">Log House Museum</a> </div> <div><i class="fa fa-phone-square"></i> 206-938-5293</div> </div> <div class="col-sm-6 module-spacer"> <iframe width="100%" height="220" frameborder="0" style="border:0" src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed/v1/place?key=AIzaSyCU5aZylcrTOLke9e3U0F2mXovlZ4bL8yk&q=Log+House+Museum%2C+3003+61st+Avenue+SouthWest%2C+Seattle%2C+WA+98116" allowfullscreen> </iframe> </div> </div> <div class="module-spacer clearfix"> <p style="text-align: justify;">The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir Lodge was one of the first year-round homes built on Alki Beach and was owned by prominent Seattleites, William and Gladys Bernard.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Mr. Bernard had established the city’s first soap company, Seattle Soap Co. and his wife Gladys was known for her devotion to children’s charities, especially orphaned children. After several summers of camping at Alki, the Bernard’s decided to put down permanent roots as year-round residents. In 1902 they announced plans to construct a unique log house combining the attributes of a summer cottage with a thoroughly modern home. The Fir Lodge was typical of the Rustic Style which was popular at the turn of the century. Today, the Fir Lodge survives as the Homestead Restaurant.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Three years after building the Fir Lodge, the Bernard’s decided to sell their comfortable Alki estate and move back to Seattle. Gladys recalled that it was the separation from the city that made life at Alki difficult. “Servants were hard to keep because we were so far out,” she said, ‘and we couldn’t stay in town at night because the ferry stopped running. When the tide was out we couldn’t come home.” Their young daughter Marie attended a school in Seattle and made a rather lengthy boat commute to school each day. The advent of streetcars made quiet Alki Beach much more accessible to beach-goers, turning the beach into a lively resort area. And Luna Park’s crowds and loud nightlife added to the congestion and to the lack of privacy and tranquility that the once out-of-the-way beach community prized.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">In June 1907, the Fir Lodge was purchased by the Seattle Auto and Driving Club, an organization of auto enthusiasts who planned to use the lodge as a place for their club members to rendezvous after the long drive from Seattle. In subsequent years, it was a boarding house, a Veteran’s home, and finally the Homestead Restaurant. Around 1908, the carriage house was moved from its original location on the estate, approximately 100’ NW of here, (in the center of the street.) It is believed that when the city put in West Seattle’s streets that this building was moved, to make way for Stevens Street. At that time, the foundation was probably added and the building converted from a stable to additional living spaces. The upstairs of the carriage house is believed to have originally been a hayloft and the space above the inside of the front door was its opening.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">This old building, which is built of Douglas fir logs, has been a home to various Alki families for most of the past 90+ years. At one time it even housed an antique store.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The carriage house was purchased by the Southwest Seattle Historical Society in 1995, restored, and converted into the Log House Museum. The restoration was made possible through a grass-roots fund raising effort which raised over $875,000. The Log House Museum has been open since November 13, 1997, the 146th anniversary of the landing of the Alki party on Alki’s beach. The landscaping is all done with native planting. A granite and marble donor circle adorns the courtyard in tribute to the many people who helped make this heritage project an award-winning facility and a community treasure.</p> </div> <div class="reportthis" style="margin-bottom: 20px;"> <form method="post" action="/seattle-wa/report/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html"> <button type="submit" class="btn btnregister pull-right" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">Flag This Place</button> </form> </div> <div class="report_button_message">Please use "Flag This Place" to alert us about content that is inappropriate or needs immediate attention. Nothing you submit will be shared with other site visitors. </div> <style> .report_button_message { color: #333; font-size: 12px; clear: both; } </style> </div> </div> </div><div class="module clearfix"><div class="module-spacer tout-homefit-750"> <a data-formelementid="CSN-LOCAL-HC-PLSK-02272024" href="/seattle-wa/home-and-community/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-HC-PLSK-02272024"><img class="img-responsive" alt="Explore the free AARP HomeFit Guide" title="Explore the free AARP HomeFit Guide" src="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/touts/HomeFit_750x150.png"></a> </div></div></div> <div class="col-md-4 right-rail thin-rhs"><div class="module clearfix"><!--default--> <!-- module_RHS - AARP Events --> <div class="ar-basic-box module-spacer"> <header> <div class="pull-right"> <a href="/seattle-wa/aarp-events/" data-formelementid="LOCAL-BTN-CLK-SEEALL-EVENTS"> <img style="width:30px;" src="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/template/icons/aarp_event_icon.png" alt="Upcoming AARP Events" /> </a> </div> <h2 class="visible-lg">AARP Events for Seattle</h2> <h2 class="hidden-lg">AARP Events for Seattle</h2> </header> <div class="wrap"> <div class="ar-listing snippet"> <ul class="list"> <li class="item" data-pageindex="1"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/aarp-event/carfit-virtual-workshop-lets-talk-vehicle-safety-and-comfort-mjn8hlhnpds.html" data-formelementid="LOCAL-BTN-CLK-EVENTS-CARFIT-VIRTUAL-WORKSHOP-LETS-TALK-VEHICLE-SAFETY-AND-COMFORT">CarFit Virtual Workshop: Let's Talk – Vehicle Safety and Comfort</a></h2> <p class="time">Wednesday, Jan 8, 2025 at 11:30 a.m. PT</p> <p class="venue">Zoom</p> <p class="loc">Online Event</p> </li><li class="item" data-pageindex="1"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/aarp-event/power-up-your-knowledge-on-electric-vehicles-g8n9h8w7lrw.html" data-formelementid="LOCAL-BTN-CLK-EVENTS-POWER-UP-YOUR-KNOWLEDGE-ON-ELECTRIC-VEHICLES">Power Up Your Knowledge on Electric Vehicles</a></h2> <p class="time">Monday, Jan 13, 2025 at 4:00 p.m. PT</p> <p class="venue">Zoom</p> <p class="loc">Online Event</p> </li><li class="item" data-pageindex="1"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/driver-safety/aarp-smart-driver-montesano-wa-c34209.html" data-formelementid="LOCAL-BTN-CLK-EVENTS-AARP-SMART-DRIVERTM-MONTESANO-PRESBYTERIAN-CHURCH">AARP Smart Driver™: Montesano Presbyterian Church</a></h2> <p class="time">Wednesday, Jan 15, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. PT</p> <p class="venue">Montesano Presbyterian Church</p> <p class="loc">Montesano, WA</p> </li> </ul> <p><a class="link-red" href="/seattle-wa/aarp-events/" data-formelementid="LOCAL-BTN-CLK-SEEALL-EVENTS">View All AARP Events<i class="ml-1 fas fa-chevron-right"></i></a></p> </div> </div> </div> <div aria-hidden="true" class="aarpe-ad-wrapper"> <div class="aarpe-ad en clearfix" id="300x250_53475" data-adsize="300x250"> <script type="text/javascript"> if(typeof AARP.ads !== 'undefined'){ AARP.ads.slots({ id:'300x250_53475', size:'300x250'}); } </script> </div> </div> <div class="card-tout card-dark membership-tout" style="margin:0 0 30px 0;"> <img class="img-responsive image" title="image of two AARP membership cards" alt="image of two AARP membership cards" src="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/tout-two-cards.png"> <div class="title">Only $12 your first year with Automatic Renewal</div> <ul class="list"> <li>Immediate access to your <a href="https://www.aarp.org/benefits-discounts/">member benefits</a></li> <li>Discounts on travel and everyday savings</li> <li>Subscription to AARP The Magazine</li> <li>FREE second membership</li> </ul> <div class="action"> <a class="btn" href="https://appsec.aarp.org/mem/join?campaignid=UAJFT3&intcmp=LNK-CSN-AARPLOCAL-JRTOUT-RR-A-SEATTLE-WA">Join AARP</a> <div class="body">Already a member? <a href="https://appsec.aarp.org/mem/renew?campaignid= UARFT3&intcmp=LNK-CSN-AARPLOCAL-JRTOUT-RR-A-SEATTLE-WA">Renew</a> or <a href="https://www.aarp.org/benefits-discounts/my-membership/print-your-card/">Print Card</a></div> </div> </div> <style> .membership-tout {padding:16px 20px;} .membership-tout .list li { margin: 0; } </style> <div aria-hidden="true" class="aarpe-ad-wrapper"> <div class="aarpe-ad en clearfix" id="300x250_93505" data-adsize="300x250"> <script type="text/javascript"> if(typeof AARP.ads !== 'undefined'){ AARP.ads.slots({ id:'300x250_93505', size:'300x250'}); } </script> </div> </div> <div class="module-spacer text-center"> <div class="fb-page" alt="Image of AARP Washington Facebook Page" title="Image of AARP Washington Facebook Page" data-href="https://www.facebook.com/AARPWA" data-tabs="timeline" width="320" height="" data-small-header="false" data-adapt-container-width="true" data-hide-cover="false" data-show-facepile="true" lazy="true"> <blockquote cite="https://www.facebook.com/AARPWA" class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore"><a href="https://www.facebook.com/AARPWA">Facebook</a></blockquote> </div> </div> <div class="ar-basic-box module-spacer"> <header> <h2>Contact AARP <br />in Seattle</h2> </header> <div class="wrap"> <div class="ar-quick-list module-spacer"> <ul class="list-unstyled"> <li><i class="list-icon fa fa-envelope" alt="Email icon" title="Email icon" aria-hidden="true"></i><a href="mailto:seattle@aarp.org" target="_blank" rel="noopener">seattle@aarp.org</a></li> <li><i class="list-icon fa fa-globe" alt="Globe icon" title="Globe icon" aria-hidden="true"></i><a href="https://states.aarp.org/region/washington/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">AARP Washington</a></li> <li><i class="list-icon fa fa-map-marker" alt="Map Marker icon" title="Map Marker icon" aria-hidden="true"></i><a href="http://states.aarp.org/welcome-to-aarp-washington/?intcmp=SNG-LNK-AARPLOCAL-CONTACT-20171231-SEATTLE-WA" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Contact Us</a></li> </ul> </div> <a href="https://www.facebook.com/AARPWA" target="_blank" rel="noopener" aria-label="Open Facebook"><img src="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/responsive/icons/48/facebook-dreamstale25.png" alt="Facebook icon" title="Facebook icon"></a> <a href="https://twitter.com/AARPWA" target="_blank" rel="noopener" aria-label="Open Twitter"><img src="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/responsive/icons/48/x-logo-black.png" alt="Twitter icon" title="Twitter icon"></a> <a href="https://www.instagram.com/aarpwa/" target="_blank" rel="noopener" aria-label="Open Instagram"><img src="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/icon-ig.png" alt="Instagram icon" title="Instagram icon" style="height: 49px;"></a> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="col-md-8 left-rail left-bot"></div> <div class="col-md-4 right-rail right-bot thin-rhs"></div> </div> <div class="row oneColumnLayout"> </div> <div class="row oneColumnLayout"> <div class="col-md-12"><!-- script to activate navbar --> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(".channelBarMain ul.left li a").click(function() { window.location = jQuery(this).attr('href'); }); </script> </div> </div> ', 'scripts_for_layout' => '<title>Log House Museum - Seattle, WA</title> <meta name="page_title" content="Log House Museum - Seattle, WA"/> <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow"/> <meta content="The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir" name="description"/> <meta content="Log, House, Museum, Seattle, WA" name="keywords"/> <link rel="canonical" href="https://www.americantowns.com/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html" /> <meta property="og:url" content="https://vccstaging.local.aarp.org/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html"/> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"/> <meta name="twitter:title" content="Log House Museum"/> <meta name="twitter:description" content="The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir"/> <meta name="twitter:image" content="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/template/thumbs/generic-icon.jpg"/> <meta property="og:type" content="place"/> <meta property="og:title" content="Log House Museum"/> <meta property="og:description" content="The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir"/> <meta property="og:image" content="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/template/thumbs/generic-icon.jpg"/> <meta property="place:location:latitude" content="47.577599"/> <meta property="place:location:longitude" content="-122.411003"/> ', 'title_for_layout' => 'Place Detail - AARP' ) $content_for_layout = '<div class="row twoColumnLayout"> <div class="col-md-8 left-rail"><div class="module clearfix"><div class="ar-basic-box"> <div class="module-spacer"> <header><h1 class="article-headline">Log House Museum</h1></header> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6 left module-spacer"> <p> <div> <div>3003 61st Avenue SouthWest</div> <div> <span>Seattle</span>, <span>WA</span> <span>98116</span> </div> </div> </p> <div> <i class="fa fa-external-link-square"></i> <a href="http://www.loghousemuseum.org/" target="_blank">Log House Museum</a> </div> <div><i class="fa fa-phone-square"></i> 206-938-5293</div> </div> <div class="col-sm-6 module-spacer"> <iframe width="100%" height="220" frameborder="0" style="border:0" src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed/v1/place?key=AIzaSyCU5aZylcrTOLke9e3U0F2mXovlZ4bL8yk&q=Log+House+Museum%2C+3003+61st+Avenue+SouthWest%2C+Seattle%2C+WA+98116" allowfullscreen> </iframe> </div> </div> <div class="module-spacer clearfix"> <p style="text-align: justify;">The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir Lodge was one of the first year-round homes built on Alki Beach and was owned by prominent Seattleites, William and Gladys Bernard.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Mr. Bernard had established the city’s first soap company, Seattle Soap Co. and his wife Gladys was known for her devotion to children’s charities, especially orphaned children. After several summers of camping at Alki, the Bernard’s decided to put down permanent roots as year-round residents. In 1902 they announced plans to construct a unique log house combining the attributes of a summer cottage with a thoroughly modern home. The Fir Lodge was typical of the Rustic Style which was popular at the turn of the century. Today, the Fir Lodge survives as the Homestead Restaurant.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Three years after building the Fir Lodge, the Bernard’s decided to sell their comfortable Alki estate and move back to Seattle. Gladys recalled that it was the separation from the city that made life at Alki difficult. “Servants were hard to keep because we were so far out,” she said, ‘and we couldn’t stay in town at night because the ferry stopped running. When the tide was out we couldn’t come home.” Their young daughter Marie attended a school in Seattle and made a rather lengthy boat commute to school each day. The advent of streetcars made quiet Alki Beach much more accessible to beach-goers, turning the beach into a lively resort area. And Luna Park’s crowds and loud nightlife added to the congestion and to the lack of privacy and tranquility that the once out-of-the-way beach community prized.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">In June 1907, the Fir Lodge was purchased by the Seattle Auto and Driving Club, an organization of auto enthusiasts who planned to use the lodge as a place for their club members to rendezvous after the long drive from Seattle. In subsequent years, it was a boarding house, a Veteran’s home, and finally the Homestead Restaurant. Around 1908, the carriage house was moved from its original location on the estate, approximately 100’ NW of here, (in the center of the street.) It is believed that when the city put in West Seattle’s streets that this building was moved, to make way for Stevens Street. At that time, the foundation was probably added and the building converted from a stable to additional living spaces. The upstairs of the carriage house is believed to have originally been a hayloft and the space above the inside of the front door was its opening.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">This old building, which is built of Douglas fir logs, has been a home to various Alki families for most of the past 90+ years. At one time it even housed an antique store.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The carriage house was purchased by the Southwest Seattle Historical Society in 1995, restored, and converted into the Log House Museum. The restoration was made possible through a grass-roots fund raising effort which raised over $875,000. The Log House Museum has been open since November 13, 1997, the 146th anniversary of the landing of the Alki party on Alki’s beach. The landscaping is all done with native planting. A granite and marble donor circle adorns the courtyard in tribute to the many people who helped make this heritage project an award-winning facility and a community treasure.</p> </div> <div class="reportthis" style="margin-bottom: 20px;"> <form method="post" action="/seattle-wa/report/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html"> <button type="submit" class="btn btnregister pull-right" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">Flag This Place</button> </form> </div> <div class="report_button_message">Please use "Flag This Place" to alert us about content that is inappropriate or needs immediate attention. 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The Fir" name="description"/> <meta content="Log, House, Museum, Seattle, WA" name="keywords"/> <link rel="canonical" href="https://www.americantowns.com/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html" /> <meta property="og:url" content="https://vccstaging.local.aarp.org/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html"/> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"/> <meta name="twitter:title" content="Log House Museum"/> <meta name="twitter:description" content="The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir"/> <meta name="twitter:image" content="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/template/thumbs/generic-icon.jpg"/> <meta property="og:type" content="place"/> <meta property="og:title" content="Log House Museum"/> <meta property="og:description" content="The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir"/> <meta property="og:image" content="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/template/thumbs/generic-icon.jpg"/> <meta property="place:location:latitude" content="47.577599"/> <meta property="place:location:longitude" content="-122.411003"/> ' $title_for_layout = 'Place Detail - AARP' $asset_version = '230831' $min = true $nowrapper = false $css = ''include - APP/View/Layouts/aarp_2023.ctp, line 54 include - APP/View/Layouts/aarp_2023.ctp, line 54 View::_evaluate() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 971 View::_render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 933 View::renderLayout() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 546 View::render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 481 Controller::render() - CORE/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 963 AppController::renderPage() - APP/Controller/AppController.php, line 136 PlacesController::display() - APP/Controller/PlacesController.php, line 501 ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs() - [internal], line ?? 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The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir Lodge was one of the first year-round homes built on Alki Beach and was owned by prominent Seattleites, William and Gladys Bernard.
Mr. Bernard had established the city’s first soap company, Seattle Soap Co. and his wife Gladys was known for her devotion to children’s charities, especially orphaned children. After several summers of camping at Alki, the Bernard’s decided to put down permanent roots as year-round residents. In 1902 they announced plans to construct a unique log house combining the attributes of a summer cottage with a thoroughly modern home. The Fir Lodge was typical of the Rustic Style which was popular at the turn of the century. Today, the Fir Lodge survives as the Homestead Restaurant.
Three years after building the Fir Lodge, the Bernard’s decided to sell their comfortable Alki estate and move back to Seattle. Gladys recalled that it was the separation from the city that made life at Alki difficult. “Servants were hard to keep because we were so far out,” she said, ‘and we couldn’t stay in town at night because the ferry stopped running. When the tide was out we couldn’t come home.” Their young daughter Marie attended a school in Seattle and made a rather lengthy boat commute to school each day. The advent of streetcars made quiet Alki Beach much more accessible to beach-goers, turning the beach into a lively resort area. And Luna Park’s crowds and loud nightlife added to the congestion and to the lack of privacy and tranquility that the once out-of-the-way beach community prized.
In June 1907, the Fir Lodge was purchased by the Seattle Auto and Driving Club, an organization of auto enthusiasts who planned to use the lodge as a place for their club members to rendezvous after the long drive from Seattle. In subsequent years, it was a boarding house, a Veteran’s home, and finally the Homestead Restaurant. Around 1908, the carriage house was moved from its original location on the estate, approximately 100’ NW of here, (in the center of the street.) It is believed that when the city put in West Seattle’s streets that this building was moved, to make way for Stevens Street. At that time, the foundation was probably added and the building converted from a stable to additional living spaces. The upstairs of the carriage house is believed to have originally been a hayloft and the space above the inside of the front door was its opening.
This old building, which is built of Douglas fir logs, has been a home to various Alki families for most of the past 90+ years. At one time it even housed an antique store.
The carriage house was purchased by the Southwest Seattle Historical Society in 1995, restored, and converted into the Log House Museum. The restoration was made possible through a grass-roots fund raising effort which raised over $875,000. The Log House Museum has been open since November 13, 1997, the 146th anniversary of the landing of the Alki party on Alki’s beach. The landscaping is all done with native planting. A granite and marble donor circle adorns the courtyard in tribute to the many people who helped make this heritage project an award-winning facility and a community treasure.
Wednesday, Jan 8, 2025 at 11:30 a.m. PT
Online Event
Monday, Jan 13, 2025 at 4:00 p.m. PT
Online Event
Wednesday, Jan 15, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. PT
Montesano Presbyterian Church
Montesano, WA
Warning (2): include(/var/www/vhosts/vcc_staging/app/Resource/aarp2_master.footer.html) [<a href='http://php.net/function.include'>function.include</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory [APP/View/Layouts/aarp_2023.ctp, line 242]Code Context<?php // if (!$nowrapper) (Globals::$language == 'es') ? include(APP . "/Resource/aarpe_footer_es.html") : include(APP . "/Resource/aarpe_footer.html"); ?>
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include (APP . "Resource/aarp2_master.footer.html");
$viewFile = '/var/www/vhosts/vcc_staging/app/View/Layouts/aarp_2023.ctp' $dataForView = array( 'content_for_layout' => '<div class="row twoColumnLayout"> <div class="col-md-8 left-rail"><div class="module clearfix"><div class="ar-basic-box"> <div class="module-spacer"> <header><h1 class="article-headline">Log House Museum</h1></header> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6 left module-spacer"> <p> <div> <div>3003 61st Avenue SouthWest</div> <div> <span>Seattle</span>, <span>WA</span> <span>98116</span> </div> </div> </p> <div> <i class="fa fa-external-link-square"></i> <a href="http://www.loghousemuseum.org/" target="_blank">Log House Museum</a> </div> <div><i class="fa fa-phone-square"></i> 206-938-5293</div> </div> <div class="col-sm-6 module-spacer"> <iframe width="100%" height="220" frameborder="0" style="border:0" src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed/v1/place?key=AIzaSyCU5aZylcrTOLke9e3U0F2mXovlZ4bL8yk&q=Log+House+Museum%2C+3003+61st+Avenue+SouthWest%2C+Seattle%2C+WA+98116" allowfullscreen> </iframe> </div> </div> <div class="module-spacer clearfix"> <p style="text-align: justify;">The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir Lodge was one of the first year-round homes built on Alki Beach and was owned by prominent Seattleites, William and Gladys Bernard.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Mr. Bernard had established the city’s first soap company, Seattle Soap Co. and his wife Gladys was known for her devotion to children’s charities, especially orphaned children. After several summers of camping at Alki, the Bernard’s decided to put down permanent roots as year-round residents. In 1902 they announced plans to construct a unique log house combining the attributes of a summer cottage with a thoroughly modern home. The Fir Lodge was typical of the Rustic Style which was popular at the turn of the century. Today, the Fir Lodge survives as the Homestead Restaurant.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Three years after building the Fir Lodge, the Bernard’s decided to sell their comfortable Alki estate and move back to Seattle. Gladys recalled that it was the separation from the city that made life at Alki difficult. “Servants were hard to keep because we were so far out,” she said, ‘and we couldn’t stay in town at night because the ferry stopped running. When the tide was out we couldn’t come home.” Their young daughter Marie attended a school in Seattle and made a rather lengthy boat commute to school each day. The advent of streetcars made quiet Alki Beach much more accessible to beach-goers, turning the beach into a lively resort area. And Luna Park’s crowds and loud nightlife added to the congestion and to the lack of privacy and tranquility that the once out-of-the-way beach community prized.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">In June 1907, the Fir Lodge was purchased by the Seattle Auto and Driving Club, an organization of auto enthusiasts who planned to use the lodge as a place for their club members to rendezvous after the long drive from Seattle. In subsequent years, it was a boarding house, a Veteran’s home, and finally the Homestead Restaurant. Around 1908, the carriage house was moved from its original location on the estate, approximately 100’ NW of here, (in the center of the street.) It is believed that when the city put in West Seattle’s streets that this building was moved, to make way for Stevens Street. At that time, the foundation was probably added and the building converted from a stable to additional living spaces. The upstairs of the carriage house is believed to have originally been a hayloft and the space above the inside of the front door was its opening.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">This old building, which is built of Douglas fir logs, has been a home to various Alki families for most of the past 90+ years. At one time it even housed an antique store.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The carriage house was purchased by the Southwest Seattle Historical Society in 1995, restored, and converted into the Log House Museum. The restoration was made possible through a grass-roots fund raising effort which raised over $875,000. The Log House Museum has been open since November 13, 1997, the 146th anniversary of the landing of the Alki party on Alki’s beach. The landscaping is all done with native planting. A granite and marble donor circle adorns the courtyard in tribute to the many people who helped make this heritage project an award-winning facility and a community treasure.</p> </div> <div class="reportthis" style="margin-bottom: 20px;"> <form method="post" action="/seattle-wa/report/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html"> <button type="submit" class="btn btnregister pull-right" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">Flag This Place</button> </form> </div> <div class="report_button_message">Please use "Flag This Place" to alert us about content that is inappropriate or needs immediate attention. 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The Fir" name="description"/> <meta content="Log, House, Museum, Seattle, WA" name="keywords"/> <link rel="canonical" href="https://www.americantowns.com/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html" /> <meta property="og:url" content="https://vccstaging.local.aarp.org/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html"/> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"/> <meta name="twitter:title" content="Log House Museum"/> <meta name="twitter:description" content="The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. 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The Fir Lodge was one of the first year-round homes built on Alki Beach and was owned by prominent Seattleites, William and Gladys Bernard.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Mr. Bernard had established the city’s first soap company, Seattle Soap Co. and his wife Gladys was known for her devotion to children’s charities, especially orphaned children. After several summers of camping at Alki, the Bernard’s decided to put down permanent roots as year-round residents. In 1902 they announced plans to construct a unique log house combining the attributes of a summer cottage with a thoroughly modern home. The Fir Lodge was typical of the Rustic Style which was popular at the turn of the century. Today, the Fir Lodge survives as the Homestead Restaurant.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Three years after building the Fir Lodge, the Bernard’s decided to sell their comfortable Alki estate and move back to Seattle. Gladys recalled that it was the separation from the city that made life at Alki difficult. “Servants were hard to keep because we were so far out,” she said, ‘and we couldn’t stay in town at night because the ferry stopped running. When the tide was out we couldn’t come home.” Their young daughter Marie attended a school in Seattle and made a rather lengthy boat commute to school each day. The advent of streetcars made quiet Alki Beach much more accessible to beach-goers, turning the beach into a lively resort area. And Luna Park’s crowds and loud nightlife added to the congestion and to the lack of privacy and tranquility that the once out-of-the-way beach community prized.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">In June 1907, the Fir Lodge was purchased by the Seattle Auto and Driving Club, an organization of auto enthusiasts who planned to use the lodge as a place for their club members to rendezvous after the long drive from Seattle. In subsequent years, it was a boarding house, a Veteran’s home, and finally the Homestead Restaurant. Around 1908, the carriage house was moved from its original location on the estate, approximately 100’ NW of here, (in the center of the street.) It is believed that when the city put in West Seattle’s streets that this building was moved, to make way for Stevens Street. At that time, the foundation was probably added and the building converted from a stable to additional living spaces. The upstairs of the carriage house is believed to have originally been a hayloft and the space above the inside of the front door was its opening.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">This old building, which is built of Douglas fir logs, has been a home to various Alki families for most of the past 90+ years. At one time it even housed an antique store.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The carriage house was purchased by the Southwest Seattle Historical Society in 1995, restored, and converted into the Log House Museum. The restoration was made possible through a grass-roots fund raising effort which raised over $875,000. The Log House Museum has been open since November 13, 1997, the 146th anniversary of the landing of the Alki party on Alki’s beach. The landscaping is all done with native planting. A granite and marble donor circle adorns the courtyard in tribute to the many people who helped make this heritage project an award-winning facility and a community treasure.</p> </div> <div class="reportthis" style="margin-bottom: 20px;"> <form method="post" action="/seattle-wa/report/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html"> <button type="submit" class="btn btnregister pull-right" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">Flag This Place</button> </form> </div> <div class="report_button_message">Please use "Flag This Place" to alert us about content that is inappropriate or needs immediate attention. 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The Fir" name="description"/> <meta content="Log, House, Museum, Seattle, WA" name="keywords"/> <link rel="canonical" href="https://www.americantowns.com/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html" /> <meta property="og:url" content="https://vccstaging.local.aarp.org/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html"/> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"/> <meta name="twitter:title" content="Log House Museum"/> <meta name="twitter:description" content="The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir"/> <meta name="twitter:image" content="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/template/thumbs/generic-icon.jpg"/> <meta property="og:type" content="place"/> <meta property="og:title" content="Log House Museum"/> <meta property="og:description" content="The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir"/> <meta property="og:image" content="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/template/thumbs/generic-icon.jpg"/> <meta property="place:location:latitude" content="47.577599"/> <meta property="place:location:longitude" content="-122.411003"/> ' $title_for_layout = 'Place Detail - AARP' $asset_version = '230831' $min = true $nowrapper = false $css = '' $highlighting = '' $location = '<a href="/seattle-wa/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-HOME">Seattle, WA</a>' $no_header = false $header_title = '<a href="/seattle-wa/things-to-do/">Places</a>' $header_subtitle = '' $isPR = false $navbar = '<nav class="section" role="button" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse"> <div class="containerx"> <div class="section-toggle">Sections <i class="fas fa-chevron-down"></i></div> <ul class="secondary-menu containerx" id="secondary-menu" role="menu" aria-busy="true"> <li role="presentation" class=""><a role="menuitem" class="menuitem" href="/seattle-wa/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-HOME" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-HOME">Home</a> </li> <li role="presentation" class=""><a role="menuitem" class="menuitem" href="/seattle-wa/aarp-events/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-OLE" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-EVENTS">Events</a> </li> <li role="presentation" class="active"><a role="menuitem" class="menuitem" href="/seattle-wa/things-to-do/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-TTD" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-THINGSTODO">Things to Do</a></li> <li role="presentation" class=""><a role="menuitem" class="menuitem" href="/seattle-wa/happenings/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-NF" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-HAPPENINGS">News Feed</a> </li> <li role="presentation" class=""><a role="menuitem" class="menuitem" href="/seattle-wa/volunteering/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-VOL" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-VOLUNTEERING">Volunteering</a> </li> <li role="presentation" class=""><a role="menuitem" class="menuitem" href="/seattle-wa/home-and-community/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-HC" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-HC">Home & Community</a> </li> <li role="presentation" class="more " id="submenu-more"> <span role="menuitem" class="menuitem" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-MORE">More<i class="fas fa-chevron-down"></i></span> <ul class="secondary-submenu animate slide-in" id="secondary-submenu"> <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" class="menuitem " href="/seattle-wa/movies/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-MFG" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-MOVIESFORGROWNUPS">Movies for Grownups</a> </li> <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" class="menuitem " href="/seattle-wa/discounts/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-LO" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-OFFERS">Local Offers</a></li> <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" class="menuitem " href="/seattle-wa/local-resources/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-LR" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-LOCALRESOURCES">Local Resources</a> </li> <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" class="menuitem " href="/seattle-wa/jobs/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-WJ" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-WORK&JOBS">Work & Jobs</a></li> <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" class="menuitem " href="/seattle-wa/events/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-CC" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-EVENTS">Community Calendar</a></li> <!-- <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" class="menuitem " href="/seattle-wa/healthy-living/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-HEALTHY_LIVING" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-HEALTHY_LIVING">Healthy Living</a></li> <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" class="menuitem " href="/seattle-wa/arts-entertainment/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-ARTS_ENT" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-ARTS_ENT">Arts & Entertainment</a></li> <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" class="menuitem " href="/seattle-wa/museums/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-MUSEUMS" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-MUSEUMS">Museums</a></li> --> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </nav>' $header_custom = '' $breadcrumbs = array( (int) 0 => array( 'title' => 'Things to Do', 'slug' => 'things-to-do' ) ) $row = array( 'title' => 'Back to Things to Do', 'slug' => 'things-to-do' ) $i = (int) 0include - APP/View/Layouts/aarp_2023.ctp, line 242 include - APP/View/Layouts/aarp_2023.ctp, line 242 View::_evaluate() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 971 View::_render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 933 View::renderLayout() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 546 View::render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 481 Controller::render() - CORE/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 963 AppController::renderPage() - APP/Controller/AppController.php, line 136 PlacesController::display() - APP/Controller/PlacesController.php, line 501 ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs() - [internal], line ?? Controller::invokeAction() - CORE/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 491 Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 193 Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 167 [main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 118
Warning (2): include() [<a href='http://php.net/function.include'>function.include</a>]: Failed opening '/var/www/vhosts/vcc_staging/app/Resource/aarp2_master.footer.html' for inclusion (include_path='/var/www/vhosts/vcc_staging/lib:.:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php') [APP/View/Layouts/aarp_2023.ctp, line 242]Code Context<?php // if (!$nowrapper) (Globals::$language == 'es') ? include(APP . "/Resource/aarpe_footer_es.html") : include(APP . "/Resource/aarpe_footer.html"); ?>
<?php if (!$nowrapper): // MLW - Spanish wrappers TBD
include (APP . "Resource/aarp2_master.footer.html");
$viewFile = '/var/www/vhosts/vcc_staging/app/View/Layouts/aarp_2023.ctp' $dataForView = array( 'content_for_layout' => '<div class="row twoColumnLayout"> <div class="col-md-8 left-rail"><div class="module clearfix"><div class="ar-basic-box"> <div class="module-spacer"> <header><h1 class="article-headline">Log House Museum</h1></header> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6 left module-spacer"> <p> <div> <div>3003 61st Avenue SouthWest</div> <div> <span>Seattle</span>, <span>WA</span> <span>98116</span> </div> </div> </p> <div> <i class="fa fa-external-link-square"></i> <a href="http://www.loghousemuseum.org/" target="_blank">Log House Museum</a> </div> <div><i class="fa fa-phone-square"></i> 206-938-5293</div> </div> <div class="col-sm-6 module-spacer"> <iframe width="100%" height="220" frameborder="0" style="border:0" src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed/v1/place?key=AIzaSyCU5aZylcrTOLke9e3U0F2mXovlZ4bL8yk&q=Log+House+Museum%2C+3003+61st+Avenue+SouthWest%2C+Seattle%2C+WA+98116" allowfullscreen> </iframe> </div> </div> <div class="module-spacer clearfix"> <p style="text-align: justify;">The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir Lodge was one of the first year-round homes built on Alki Beach and was owned by prominent Seattleites, William and Gladys Bernard.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Mr. Bernard had established the city’s first soap company, Seattle Soap Co. and his wife Gladys was known for her devotion to children’s charities, especially orphaned children. After several summers of camping at Alki, the Bernard’s decided to put down permanent roots as year-round residents. In 1902 they announced plans to construct a unique log house combining the attributes of a summer cottage with a thoroughly modern home. The Fir Lodge was typical of the Rustic Style which was popular at the turn of the century. Today, the Fir Lodge survives as the Homestead Restaurant.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Three years after building the Fir Lodge, the Bernard’s decided to sell their comfortable Alki estate and move back to Seattle. Gladys recalled that it was the separation from the city that made life at Alki difficult. “Servants were hard to keep because we were so far out,” she said, ‘and we couldn’t stay in town at night because the ferry stopped running. When the tide was out we couldn’t come home.” Their young daughter Marie attended a school in Seattle and made a rather lengthy boat commute to school each day. The advent of streetcars made quiet Alki Beach much more accessible to beach-goers, turning the beach into a lively resort area. And Luna Park’s crowds and loud nightlife added to the congestion and to the lack of privacy and tranquility that the once out-of-the-way beach community prized.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">In June 1907, the Fir Lodge was purchased by the Seattle Auto and Driving Club, an organization of auto enthusiasts who planned to use the lodge as a place for their club members to rendezvous after the long drive from Seattle. In subsequent years, it was a boarding house, a Veteran’s home, and finally the Homestead Restaurant. Around 1908, the carriage house was moved from its original location on the estate, approximately 100’ NW of here, (in the center of the street.) It is believed that when the city put in West Seattle’s streets that this building was moved, to make way for Stevens Street. At that time, the foundation was probably added and the building converted from a stable to additional living spaces. The upstairs of the carriage house is believed to have originally been a hayloft and the space above the inside of the front door was its opening.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">This old building, which is built of Douglas fir logs, has been a home to various Alki families for most of the past 90+ years. At one time it even housed an antique store.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The carriage house was purchased by the Southwest Seattle Historical Society in 1995, restored, and converted into the Log House Museum. The restoration was made possible through a grass-roots fund raising effort which raised over $875,000. The Log House Museum has been open since November 13, 1997, the 146th anniversary of the landing of the Alki party on Alki’s beach. The landscaping is all done with native planting. A granite and marble donor circle adorns the courtyard in tribute to the many people who helped make this heritage project an award-winning facility and a community treasure.</p> </div> <div class="reportthis" style="margin-bottom: 20px;"> <form method="post" action="/seattle-wa/report/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html"> <button type="submit" class="btn btnregister pull-right" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">Flag This Place</button> </form> </div> <div class="report_button_message">Please use "Flag This Place" to alert us about content that is inappropriate or needs immediate attention. Nothing you submit will be shared with other site visitors. </div> <style> .report_button_message { color: #333; font-size: 12px; clear: both; } </style> </div> </div> </div><div class="module clearfix"><div class="module-spacer tout-homefit-750"> <a data-formelementid="CSN-LOCAL-HC-PLSK-02272024" href="/seattle-wa/home-and-community/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-HC-PLSK-02272024"><img class="img-responsive" alt="Explore the free AARP HomeFit Guide" title="Explore the free AARP HomeFit Guide" src="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/touts/HomeFit_750x150.png"></a> </div></div></div> <div class="col-md-4 right-rail thin-rhs"><div class="module clearfix"><!--default--> <!-- module_RHS - AARP Events --> <div class="ar-basic-box module-spacer"> <header> <div class="pull-right"> <a href="/seattle-wa/aarp-events/" data-formelementid="LOCAL-BTN-CLK-SEEALL-EVENTS"> <img style="width:30px;" src="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/template/icons/aarp_event_icon.png" alt="Upcoming AARP Events" /> </a> </div> <h2 class="visible-lg">AARP Events for Seattle</h2> <h2 class="hidden-lg">AARP Events for Seattle</h2> </header> <div class="wrap"> <div class="ar-listing snippet"> <ul class="list"> <li class="item" data-pageindex="1"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/aarp-event/carfit-virtual-workshop-lets-talk-vehicle-safety-and-comfort-mjn8hlhnpds.html" data-formelementid="LOCAL-BTN-CLK-EVENTS-CARFIT-VIRTUAL-WORKSHOP-LETS-TALK-VEHICLE-SAFETY-AND-COMFORT">CarFit Virtual Workshop: Let's Talk – Vehicle Safety and Comfort</a></h2> <p class="time">Wednesday, Jan 8, 2025 at 11:30 a.m. PT</p> <p class="venue">Zoom</p> <p class="loc">Online Event</p> </li><li class="item" data-pageindex="1"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/aarp-event/power-up-your-knowledge-on-electric-vehicles-g8n9h8w7lrw.html" data-formelementid="LOCAL-BTN-CLK-EVENTS-POWER-UP-YOUR-KNOWLEDGE-ON-ELECTRIC-VEHICLES">Power Up Your Knowledge on Electric Vehicles</a></h2> <p class="time">Monday, Jan 13, 2025 at 4:00 p.m. PT</p> <p class="venue">Zoom</p> <p class="loc">Online Event</p> </li><li class="item" data-pageindex="1"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/driver-safety/aarp-smart-driver-montesano-wa-c34209.html" data-formelementid="LOCAL-BTN-CLK-EVENTS-AARP-SMART-DRIVERTM-MONTESANO-PRESBYTERIAN-CHURCH">AARP Smart Driver™: Montesano Presbyterian Church</a></h2> <p class="time">Wednesday, Jan 15, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. PT</p> <p class="venue">Montesano Presbyterian Church</p> <p class="loc">Montesano, WA</p> </li> </ul> <p><a class="link-red" href="/seattle-wa/aarp-events/" data-formelementid="LOCAL-BTN-CLK-SEEALL-EVENTS">View All AARP Events<i class="ml-1 fas fa-chevron-right"></i></a></p> </div> </div> </div> <div aria-hidden="true" class="aarpe-ad-wrapper"> <div class="aarpe-ad en clearfix" id="300x250_53475" data-adsize="300x250"> <script type="text/javascript"> if(typeof AARP.ads !== 'undefined'){ AARP.ads.slots({ id:'300x250_53475', size:'300x250'}); } </script> </div> </div> <div class="card-tout card-dark membership-tout" style="margin:0 0 30px 0;"> <img class="img-responsive image" title="image of two AARP membership cards" alt="image of two AARP membership cards" src="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/tout-two-cards.png"> <div class="title">Only $12 your first year with Automatic Renewal</div> <ul class="list"> <li>Immediate access to your <a href="https://www.aarp.org/benefits-discounts/">member benefits</a></li> <li>Discounts on travel and everyday savings</li> <li>Subscription to AARP The Magazine</li> <li>FREE second membership</li> </ul> <div class="action"> <a class="btn" href="https://appsec.aarp.org/mem/join?campaignid=UAJFT3&intcmp=LNK-CSN-AARPLOCAL-JRTOUT-RR-A-SEATTLE-WA">Join AARP</a> <div class="body">Already a member? 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The Fir" name="description"/> <meta content="Log, House, Museum, Seattle, WA" name="keywords"/> <link rel="canonical" href="https://www.americantowns.com/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html" /> <meta property="og:url" content="https://vccstaging.local.aarp.org/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html"/> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"/> <meta name="twitter:title" content="Log House Museum"/> <meta name="twitter:description" content="The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir"/> <meta name="twitter:image" content="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/template/thumbs/generic-icon.jpg"/> <meta property="og:type" content="place"/> <meta property="og:title" content="Log House Museum"/> <meta property="og:description" content="The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir"/> <meta property="og:image" content="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/template/thumbs/generic-icon.jpg"/> <meta property="place:location:latitude" content="47.577599"/> <meta property="place:location:longitude" content="-122.411003"/> ', 'title_for_layout' => 'Place Detail - AARP' ) $content_for_layout = '<div class="row twoColumnLayout"> <div class="col-md-8 left-rail"><div class="module clearfix"><div class="ar-basic-box"> <div class="module-spacer"> <header><h1 class="article-headline">Log House Museum</h1></header> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6 left module-spacer"> <p> <div> <div>3003 61st Avenue SouthWest</div> <div> <span>Seattle</span>, <span>WA</span> <span>98116</span> </div> </div> </p> <div> <i class="fa fa-external-link-square"></i> <a href="http://www.loghousemuseum.org/" target="_blank">Log House Museum</a> </div> <div><i class="fa fa-phone-square"></i> 206-938-5293</div> </div> <div class="col-sm-6 module-spacer"> <iframe width="100%" height="220" frameborder="0" style="border:0" src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed/v1/place?key=AIzaSyCU5aZylcrTOLke9e3U0F2mXovlZ4bL8yk&q=Log+House+Museum%2C+3003+61st+Avenue+SouthWest%2C+Seattle%2C+WA+98116" allowfullscreen> </iframe> </div> </div> <div class="module-spacer clearfix"> <p style="text-align: justify;">The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir Lodge was one of the first year-round homes built on Alki Beach and was owned by prominent Seattleites, William and Gladys Bernard.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Mr. Bernard had established the city’s first soap company, Seattle Soap Co. and his wife Gladys was known for her devotion to children’s charities, especially orphaned children. After several summers of camping at Alki, the Bernard’s decided to put down permanent roots as year-round residents. In 1902 they announced plans to construct a unique log house combining the attributes of a summer cottage with a thoroughly modern home. The Fir Lodge was typical of the Rustic Style which was popular at the turn of the century. Today, the Fir Lodge survives as the Homestead Restaurant.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Three years after building the Fir Lodge, the Bernard’s decided to sell their comfortable Alki estate and move back to Seattle. Gladys recalled that it was the separation from the city that made life at Alki difficult. “Servants were hard to keep because we were so far out,” she said, ‘and we couldn’t stay in town at night because the ferry stopped running. When the tide was out we couldn’t come home.” Their young daughter Marie attended a school in Seattle and made a rather lengthy boat commute to school each day. The advent of streetcars made quiet Alki Beach much more accessible to beach-goers, turning the beach into a lively resort area. And Luna Park’s crowds and loud nightlife added to the congestion and to the lack of privacy and tranquility that the once out-of-the-way beach community prized.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">In June 1907, the Fir Lodge was purchased by the Seattle Auto and Driving Club, an organization of auto enthusiasts who planned to use the lodge as a place for their club members to rendezvous after the long drive from Seattle. In subsequent years, it was a boarding house, a Veteran’s home, and finally the Homestead Restaurant. Around 1908, the carriage house was moved from its original location on the estate, approximately 100’ NW of here, (in the center of the street.) It is believed that when the city put in West Seattle’s streets that this building was moved, to make way for Stevens Street. At that time, the foundation was probably added and the building converted from a stable to additional living spaces. The upstairs of the carriage house is believed to have originally been a hayloft and the space above the inside of the front door was its opening.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">This old building, which is built of Douglas fir logs, has been a home to various Alki families for most of the past 90+ years. At one time it even housed an antique store.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The carriage house was purchased by the Southwest Seattle Historical Society in 1995, restored, and converted into the Log House Museum. The restoration was made possible through a grass-roots fund raising effort which raised over $875,000. The Log House Museum has been open since November 13, 1997, the 146th anniversary of the landing of the Alki party on Alki’s beach. The landscaping is all done with native planting. A granite and marble donor circle adorns the courtyard in tribute to the many people who helped make this heritage project an award-winning facility and a community treasure.</p> </div> <div class="reportthis" style="margin-bottom: 20px;"> <form method="post" action="/seattle-wa/report/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html"> <button type="submit" class="btn btnregister pull-right" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">Flag This Place</button> </form> </div> <div class="report_button_message">Please use "Flag This Place" to alert us about content that is inappropriate or needs immediate attention. 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Warning (2): include(/var/www/vhosts/vcc_staging/app/Resource/aarp2_master.bodyTargeting.html) [<a href='http://php.net/function.include'>function.include</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory [APP/View/Layouts/aarp_2023.ctp, line 243]Code Context<?php if (!$nowrapper): // MLW - Spanish wrappers TBD
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$viewFile = '/var/www/vhosts/vcc_staging/app/View/Layouts/aarp_2023.ctp' $dataForView = array( 'content_for_layout' => '<div class="row twoColumnLayout"> <div class="col-md-8 left-rail"><div class="module clearfix"><div class="ar-basic-box"> <div class="module-spacer"> <header><h1 class="article-headline">Log House Museum</h1></header> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6 left module-spacer"> <p> <div> <div>3003 61st Avenue SouthWest</div> <div> <span>Seattle</span>, <span>WA</span> <span>98116</span> </div> </div> </p> <div> <i class="fa fa-external-link-square"></i> <a href="http://www.loghousemuseum.org/" target="_blank">Log House Museum</a> </div> <div><i class="fa fa-phone-square"></i> 206-938-5293</div> </div> <div class="col-sm-6 module-spacer"> <iframe width="100%" height="220" frameborder="0" style="border:0" src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed/v1/place?key=AIzaSyCU5aZylcrTOLke9e3U0F2mXovlZ4bL8yk&q=Log+House+Museum%2C+3003+61st+Avenue+SouthWest%2C+Seattle%2C+WA+98116" allowfullscreen> </iframe> </div> </div> <div class="module-spacer clearfix"> <p style="text-align: justify;">The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir Lodge was one of the first year-round homes built on Alki Beach and was owned by prominent Seattleites, William and Gladys Bernard.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Mr. Bernard had established the city’s first soap company, Seattle Soap Co. and his wife Gladys was known for her devotion to children’s charities, especially orphaned children. After several summers of camping at Alki, the Bernard’s decided to put down permanent roots as year-round residents. In 1902 they announced plans to construct a unique log house combining the attributes of a summer cottage with a thoroughly modern home. The Fir Lodge was typical of the Rustic Style which was popular at the turn of the century. Today, the Fir Lodge survives as the Homestead Restaurant.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Three years after building the Fir Lodge, the Bernard’s decided to sell their comfortable Alki estate and move back to Seattle. Gladys recalled that it was the separation from the city that made life at Alki difficult. “Servants were hard to keep because we were so far out,” she said, ‘and we couldn’t stay in town at night because the ferry stopped running. When the tide was out we couldn’t come home.” Their young daughter Marie attended a school in Seattle and made a rather lengthy boat commute to school each day. The advent of streetcars made quiet Alki Beach much more accessible to beach-goers, turning the beach into a lively resort area. And Luna Park’s crowds and loud nightlife added to the congestion and to the lack of privacy and tranquility that the once out-of-the-way beach community prized.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">In June 1907, the Fir Lodge was purchased by the Seattle Auto and Driving Club, an organization of auto enthusiasts who planned to use the lodge as a place for their club members to rendezvous after the long drive from Seattle. In subsequent years, it was a boarding house, a Veteran’s home, and finally the Homestead Restaurant. Around 1908, the carriage house was moved from its original location on the estate, approximately 100’ NW of here, (in the center of the street.) It is believed that when the city put in West Seattle’s streets that this building was moved, to make way for Stevens Street. At that time, the foundation was probably added and the building converted from a stable to additional living spaces. The upstairs of the carriage house is believed to have originally been a hayloft and the space above the inside of the front door was its opening.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">This old building, which is built of Douglas fir logs, has been a home to various Alki families for most of the past 90+ years. At one time it even housed an antique store.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The carriage house was purchased by the Southwest Seattle Historical Society in 1995, restored, and converted into the Log House Museum. The restoration was made possible through a grass-roots fund raising effort which raised over $875,000. The Log House Museum has been open since November 13, 1997, the 146th anniversary of the landing of the Alki party on Alki’s beach. The landscaping is all done with native planting. A granite and marble donor circle adorns the courtyard in tribute to the many people who helped make this heritage project an award-winning facility and a community treasure.</p> </div> <div class="reportthis" style="margin-bottom: 20px;"> <form method="post" action="/seattle-wa/report/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html"> <button type="submit" class="btn btnregister pull-right" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">Flag This Place</button> </form> </div> <div class="report_button_message">Please use "Flag This Place" to alert us about content that is inappropriate or needs immediate attention. 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The Fir" name="description"/> <meta content="Log, House, Museum, Seattle, WA" name="keywords"/> <link rel="canonical" href="https://www.americantowns.com/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html" /> <meta property="og:url" content="https://vccstaging.local.aarp.org/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html"/> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"/> <meta name="twitter:title" content="Log House Museum"/> <meta name="twitter:description" content="The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir"/> <meta name="twitter:image" content="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/template/thumbs/generic-icon.jpg"/> <meta property="og:type" content="place"/> <meta property="og:title" content="Log House Museum"/> <meta property="og:description" content="The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. 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The Fir Lodge was one of the first year-round homes built on Alki Beach and was owned by prominent Seattleites, William and Gladys Bernard.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Mr. Bernard had established the city’s first soap company, Seattle Soap Co. and his wife Gladys was known for her devotion to children’s charities, especially orphaned children. After several summers of camping at Alki, the Bernard’s decided to put down permanent roots as year-round residents. In 1902 they announced plans to construct a unique log house combining the attributes of a summer cottage with a thoroughly modern home. The Fir Lodge was typical of the Rustic Style which was popular at the turn of the century. Today, the Fir Lodge survives as the Homestead Restaurant.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Three years after building the Fir Lodge, the Bernard’s decided to sell their comfortable Alki estate and move back to Seattle. Gladys recalled that it was the separation from the city that made life at Alki difficult. “Servants were hard to keep because we were so far out,” she said, ‘and we couldn’t stay in town at night because the ferry stopped running. When the tide was out we couldn’t come home.” Their young daughter Marie attended a school in Seattle and made a rather lengthy boat commute to school each day. The advent of streetcars made quiet Alki Beach much more accessible to beach-goers, turning the beach into a lively resort area. And Luna Park’s crowds and loud nightlife added to the congestion and to the lack of privacy and tranquility that the once out-of-the-way beach community prized.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">In June 1907, the Fir Lodge was purchased by the Seattle Auto and Driving Club, an organization of auto enthusiasts who planned to use the lodge as a place for their club members to rendezvous after the long drive from Seattle. In subsequent years, it was a boarding house, a Veteran’s home, and finally the Homestead Restaurant. Around 1908, the carriage house was moved from its original location on the estate, approximately 100’ NW of here, (in the center of the street.) It is believed that when the city put in West Seattle’s streets that this building was moved, to make way for Stevens Street. At that time, the foundation was probably added and the building converted from a stable to additional living spaces. The upstairs of the carriage house is believed to have originally been a hayloft and the space above the inside of the front door was its opening.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">This old building, which is built of Douglas fir logs, has been a home to various Alki families for most of the past 90+ years. At one time it even housed an antique store.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The carriage house was purchased by the Southwest Seattle Historical Society in 1995, restored, and converted into the Log House Museum. The restoration was made possible through a grass-roots fund raising effort which raised over $875,000. The Log House Museum has been open since November 13, 1997, the 146th anniversary of the landing of the Alki party on Alki’s beach. The landscaping is all done with native planting. A granite and marble donor circle adorns the courtyard in tribute to the many people who helped make this heritage project an award-winning facility and a community treasure.</p> </div> <div class="reportthis" style="margin-bottom: 20px;"> <form method="post" action="/seattle-wa/report/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html"> <button type="submit" class="btn btnregister pull-right" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">Flag This Place</button> </form> </div> <div class="report_button_message">Please use "Flag This Place" to alert us about content that is inappropriate or needs immediate attention. 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The Fir" name="description"/> <meta content="Log, House, Museum, Seattle, WA" name="keywords"/> <link rel="canonical" href="https://www.americantowns.com/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html" /> <meta property="og:url" content="https://vccstaging.local.aarp.org/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html"/> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"/> <meta name="twitter:title" content="Log House Museum"/> <meta name="twitter:description" content="The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir"/> <meta name="twitter:image" content="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/template/thumbs/generic-icon.jpg"/> <meta property="og:type" content="place"/> <meta property="og:title" content="Log House Museum"/> <meta property="og:description" content="The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir"/> <meta property="og:image" content="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/template/thumbs/generic-icon.jpg"/> <meta property="place:location:latitude" content="47.577599"/> <meta property="place:location:longitude" content="-122.411003"/> ' $title_for_layout = 'Place Detail - AARP' $asset_version = '230831' $min = true $nowrapper = false $css = '' $highlighting = '' $location = '<a href="/seattle-wa/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-HOME">Seattle, WA</a>' $no_header = false $header_title = '<a href="/seattle-wa/things-to-do/">Places</a>' $header_subtitle = '' $isPR = false $navbar = '<nav class="section" role="button" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse"> <div class="containerx"> <div class="section-toggle">Sections <i class="fas fa-chevron-down"></i></div> <ul class="secondary-menu containerx" id="secondary-menu" role="menu" aria-busy="true"> <li role="presentation" class=""><a role="menuitem" class="menuitem" href="/seattle-wa/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-HOME" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-HOME">Home</a> </li> <li role="presentation" class=""><a role="menuitem" class="menuitem" href="/seattle-wa/aarp-events/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-OLE" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-EVENTS">Events</a> </li> <li role="presentation" class="active"><a role="menuitem" class="menuitem" href="/seattle-wa/things-to-do/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-TTD" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-THINGSTODO">Things to Do</a></li> <li role="presentation" class=""><a role="menuitem" class="menuitem" href="/seattle-wa/happenings/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-NF" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-HAPPENINGS">News Feed</a> </li> <li role="presentation" class=""><a role="menuitem" class="menuitem" href="/seattle-wa/volunteering/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-VOL" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-VOLUNTEERING">Volunteering</a> </li> <li role="presentation" class=""><a role="menuitem" class="menuitem" href="/seattle-wa/home-and-community/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-HC" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-HC">Home & Community</a> </li> <li role="presentation" class="more " id="submenu-more"> <span role="menuitem" class="menuitem" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-MORE">More<i class="fas fa-chevron-down"></i></span> <ul class="secondary-submenu animate slide-in" id="secondary-submenu"> <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" class="menuitem " href="/seattle-wa/movies/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-MFG" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-MOVIESFORGROWNUPS">Movies for Grownups</a> </li> <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" class="menuitem " href="/seattle-wa/discounts/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-LO" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-OFFERS">Local Offers</a></li> <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" class="menuitem " href="/seattle-wa/local-resources/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-LR" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-LOCALRESOURCES">Local Resources</a> </li> <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" class="menuitem " href="/seattle-wa/jobs/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-WJ" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-WORK&JOBS">Work & Jobs</a></li> <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" class="menuitem " href="/seattle-wa/events/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-CC" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-EVENTS">Community Calendar</a></li> <!-- <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" class="menuitem " href="/seattle-wa/healthy-living/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-HEALTHY_LIVING" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-HEALTHY_LIVING">Healthy Living</a></li> <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" class="menuitem " href="/seattle-wa/arts-entertainment/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-ARTS_ENT" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-ARTS_ENT">Arts & Entertainment</a></li> <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" class="menuitem " href="/seattle-wa/museums/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-MUSEUMS" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-MUSEUMS">Museums</a></li> --> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </nav>' $header_custom = '' $breadcrumbs = array( (int) 0 => array( 'title' => 'Things to Do', 'slug' => 'things-to-do' ) ) $row = array( 'title' => 'Back to Things to Do', 'slug' => 'things-to-do' ) $i = (int) 0include - APP/View/Layouts/aarp_2023.ctp, line 243 include - APP/View/Layouts/aarp_2023.ctp, line 243 View::_evaluate() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 971 View::_render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 933 View::renderLayout() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 546 View::render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 481 Controller::render() - CORE/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 963 AppController::renderPage() - APP/Controller/AppController.php, line 136 PlacesController::display() - APP/Controller/PlacesController.php, line 501 ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs() - [internal], line ?? Controller::invokeAction() - CORE/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 491 Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 193 Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 167 [main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 118
Warning (2): include() [<a href='http://php.net/function.include'>function.include</a>]: Failed opening '/var/www/vhosts/vcc_staging/app/Resource/aarp2_master.bodyTargeting.html' for inclusion (include_path='/var/www/vhosts/vcc_staging/lib:.:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php') [APP/View/Layouts/aarp_2023.ctp, line 243]Code Context<?php if (!$nowrapper): // MLW - Spanish wrappers TBD
include (APP . "Resource/aarp2_master.footer.html");
include (APP . "Resource/aarp2_master.bodyTargeting.html");
$viewFile = '/var/www/vhosts/vcc_staging/app/View/Layouts/aarp_2023.ctp' $dataForView = array( 'content_for_layout' => '<div class="row twoColumnLayout"> <div class="col-md-8 left-rail"><div class="module clearfix"><div class="ar-basic-box"> <div class="module-spacer"> <header><h1 class="article-headline">Log House Museum</h1></header> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6 left module-spacer"> <p> <div> <div>3003 61st Avenue SouthWest</div> <div> <span>Seattle</span>, <span>WA</span> <span>98116</span> </div> </div> </p> <div> <i class="fa fa-external-link-square"></i> <a href="http://www.loghousemuseum.org/" target="_blank">Log House Museum</a> </div> <div><i class="fa fa-phone-square"></i> 206-938-5293</div> </div> <div class="col-sm-6 module-spacer"> <iframe width="100%" height="220" frameborder="0" style="border:0" src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed/v1/place?key=AIzaSyCU5aZylcrTOLke9e3U0F2mXovlZ4bL8yk&q=Log+House+Museum%2C+3003+61st+Avenue+SouthWest%2C+Seattle%2C+WA+98116" allowfullscreen> </iframe> </div> </div> <div class="module-spacer clearfix"> <p style="text-align: justify;">The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir Lodge was one of the first year-round homes built on Alki Beach and was owned by prominent Seattleites, William and Gladys Bernard.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Mr. Bernard had established the city’s first soap company, Seattle Soap Co. and his wife Gladys was known for her devotion to children’s charities, especially orphaned children. After several summers of camping at Alki, the Bernard’s decided to put down permanent roots as year-round residents. In 1902 they announced plans to construct a unique log house combining the attributes of a summer cottage with a thoroughly modern home. The Fir Lodge was typical of the Rustic Style which was popular at the turn of the century. Today, the Fir Lodge survives as the Homestead Restaurant.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Three years after building the Fir Lodge, the Bernard’s decided to sell their comfortable Alki estate and move back to Seattle. Gladys recalled that it was the separation from the city that made life at Alki difficult. “Servants were hard to keep because we were so far out,” she said, ‘and we couldn’t stay in town at night because the ferry stopped running. When the tide was out we couldn’t come home.” Their young daughter Marie attended a school in Seattle and made a rather lengthy boat commute to school each day. The advent of streetcars made quiet Alki Beach much more accessible to beach-goers, turning the beach into a lively resort area. And Luna Park’s crowds and loud nightlife added to the congestion and to the lack of privacy and tranquility that the once out-of-the-way beach community prized.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">In June 1907, the Fir Lodge was purchased by the Seattle Auto and Driving Club, an organization of auto enthusiasts who planned to use the lodge as a place for their club members to rendezvous after the long drive from Seattle. In subsequent years, it was a boarding house, a Veteran’s home, and finally the Homestead Restaurant. Around 1908, the carriage house was moved from its original location on the estate, approximately 100’ NW of here, (in the center of the street.) It is believed that when the city put in West Seattle’s streets that this building was moved, to make way for Stevens Street. At that time, the foundation was probably added and the building converted from a stable to additional living spaces. The upstairs of the carriage house is believed to have originally been a hayloft and the space above the inside of the front door was its opening.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">This old building, which is built of Douglas fir logs, has been a home to various Alki families for most of the past 90+ years. At one time it even housed an antique store.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The carriage house was purchased by the Southwest Seattle Historical Society in 1995, restored, and converted into the Log House Museum. The restoration was made possible through a grass-roots fund raising effort which raised over $875,000. The Log House Museum has been open since November 13, 1997, the 146th anniversary of the landing of the Alki party on Alki’s beach. The landscaping is all done with native planting. A granite and marble donor circle adorns the courtyard in tribute to the many people who helped make this heritage project an award-winning facility and a community treasure.</p> </div> <div class="reportthis" style="margin-bottom: 20px;"> <form method="post" action="/seattle-wa/report/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html"> <button type="submit" class="btn btnregister pull-right" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">Flag This Place</button> </form> </div> <div class="report_button_message">Please use "Flag This Place" to alert us about content that is inappropriate or needs immediate attention. Nothing you submit will be shared with other site visitors. </div> <style> .report_button_message { color: #333; font-size: 12px; clear: both; } </style> </div> </div> </div><div class="module clearfix"><div class="module-spacer tout-homefit-750"> <a data-formelementid="CSN-LOCAL-HC-PLSK-02272024" href="/seattle-wa/home-and-community/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-HC-PLSK-02272024"><img class="img-responsive" alt="Explore the free AARP HomeFit Guide" title="Explore the free AARP HomeFit Guide" src="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/touts/HomeFit_750x150.png"></a> </div></div></div> <div class="col-md-4 right-rail thin-rhs"><div class="module clearfix"><!--default--> <!-- module_RHS - AARP Events --> <div class="ar-basic-box module-spacer"> <header> <div class="pull-right"> <a href="/seattle-wa/aarp-events/" data-formelementid="LOCAL-BTN-CLK-SEEALL-EVENTS"> <img style="width:30px;" src="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/template/icons/aarp_event_icon.png" alt="Upcoming AARP Events" /> </a> </div> <h2 class="visible-lg">AARP Events for Seattle</h2> <h2 class="hidden-lg">AARP Events for Seattle</h2> </header> <div class="wrap"> <div class="ar-listing snippet"> <ul class="list"> <li class="item" data-pageindex="1"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/aarp-event/carfit-virtual-workshop-lets-talk-vehicle-safety-and-comfort-mjn8hlhnpds.html" data-formelementid="LOCAL-BTN-CLK-EVENTS-CARFIT-VIRTUAL-WORKSHOP-LETS-TALK-VEHICLE-SAFETY-AND-COMFORT">CarFit Virtual Workshop: Let's Talk – Vehicle Safety and Comfort</a></h2> <p class="time">Wednesday, Jan 8, 2025 at 11:30 a.m. PT</p> <p class="venue">Zoom</p> <p class="loc">Online Event</p> </li><li class="item" data-pageindex="1"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/aarp-event/power-up-your-knowledge-on-electric-vehicles-g8n9h8w7lrw.html" data-formelementid="LOCAL-BTN-CLK-EVENTS-POWER-UP-YOUR-KNOWLEDGE-ON-ELECTRIC-VEHICLES">Power Up Your Knowledge on Electric Vehicles</a></h2> <p class="time">Monday, Jan 13, 2025 at 4:00 p.m. PT</p> <p class="venue">Zoom</p> <p class="loc">Online Event</p> </li><li class="item" data-pageindex="1"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/driver-safety/aarp-smart-driver-montesano-wa-c34209.html" data-formelementid="LOCAL-BTN-CLK-EVENTS-AARP-SMART-DRIVERTM-MONTESANO-PRESBYTERIAN-CHURCH">AARP Smart Driver™: Montesano Presbyterian Church</a></h2> <p class="time">Wednesday, Jan 15, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. PT</p> <p class="venue">Montesano Presbyterian Church</p> <p class="loc">Montesano, WA</p> </li> </ul> <p><a class="link-red" href="/seattle-wa/aarp-events/" data-formelementid="LOCAL-BTN-CLK-SEEALL-EVENTS">View All AARP Events<i class="ml-1 fas fa-chevron-right"></i></a></p> </div> </div> </div> <div aria-hidden="true" class="aarpe-ad-wrapper"> <div class="aarpe-ad en clearfix" id="300x250_53475" data-adsize="300x250"> <script type="text/javascript"> if(typeof AARP.ads !== 'undefined'){ AARP.ads.slots({ id:'300x250_53475', size:'300x250'}); } </script> </div> </div> <div class="card-tout card-dark membership-tout" style="margin:0 0 30px 0;"> <img class="img-responsive image" title="image of two AARP membership cards" alt="image of two AARP membership cards" src="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/tout-two-cards.png"> <div class="title">Only $12 your first year with Automatic Renewal</div> <ul class="list"> <li>Immediate access to your <a href="https://www.aarp.org/benefits-discounts/">member benefits</a></li> <li>Discounts on travel and everyday savings</li> <li>Subscription to AARP The Magazine</li> <li>FREE second membership</li> </ul> <div class="action"> <a class="btn" href="https://appsec.aarp.org/mem/join?campaignid=UAJFT3&intcmp=LNK-CSN-AARPLOCAL-JRTOUT-RR-A-SEATTLE-WA">Join AARP</a> <div class="body">Already a member? 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The Fir" name="description"/> <meta content="Log, House, Museum, Seattle, WA" name="keywords"/> <link rel="canonical" href="https://www.americantowns.com/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html" /> <meta property="og:url" content="https://vccstaging.local.aarp.org/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html"/> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"/> <meta name="twitter:title" content="Log House Museum"/> <meta name="twitter:description" content="The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir"/> <meta name="twitter:image" content="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/template/thumbs/generic-icon.jpg"/> <meta property="og:type" content="place"/> <meta property="og:title" content="Log House Museum"/> <meta property="og:description" content="The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir"/> <meta property="og:image" content="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/template/thumbs/generic-icon.jpg"/> <meta property="place:location:latitude" content="47.577599"/> <meta property="place:location:longitude" content="-122.411003"/> ', 'title_for_layout' => 'Place Detail - AARP' ) $content_for_layout = '<div class="row twoColumnLayout"> <div class="col-md-8 left-rail"><div class="module clearfix"><div class="ar-basic-box"> <div class="module-spacer"> <header><h1 class="article-headline">Log House Museum</h1></header> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6 left module-spacer"> <p> <div> <div>3003 61st Avenue SouthWest</div> <div> <span>Seattle</span>, <span>WA</span> <span>98116</span> </div> </div> </p> <div> <i class="fa fa-external-link-square"></i> <a href="http://www.loghousemuseum.org/" target="_blank">Log House Museum</a> </div> <div><i class="fa fa-phone-square"></i> 206-938-5293</div> </div> <div class="col-sm-6 module-spacer"> <iframe width="100%" height="220" frameborder="0" style="border:0" src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed/v1/place?key=AIzaSyCU5aZylcrTOLke9e3U0F2mXovlZ4bL8yk&q=Log+House+Museum%2C+3003+61st+Avenue+SouthWest%2C+Seattle%2C+WA+98116" allowfullscreen> </iframe> </div> </div> <div class="module-spacer clearfix"> <p style="text-align: justify;">The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir Lodge was one of the first year-round homes built on Alki Beach and was owned by prominent Seattleites, William and Gladys Bernard.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Mr. Bernard had established the city’s first soap company, Seattle Soap Co. and his wife Gladys was known for her devotion to children’s charities, especially orphaned children. After several summers of camping at Alki, the Bernard’s decided to put down permanent roots as year-round residents. In 1902 they announced plans to construct a unique log house combining the attributes of a summer cottage with a thoroughly modern home. The Fir Lodge was typical of the Rustic Style which was popular at the turn of the century. Today, the Fir Lodge survives as the Homestead Restaurant.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Three years after building the Fir Lodge, the Bernard’s decided to sell their comfortable Alki estate and move back to Seattle. Gladys recalled that it was the separation from the city that made life at Alki difficult. “Servants were hard to keep because we were so far out,” she said, ‘and we couldn’t stay in town at night because the ferry stopped running. When the tide was out we couldn’t come home.” Their young daughter Marie attended a school in Seattle and made a rather lengthy boat commute to school each day. The advent of streetcars made quiet Alki Beach much more accessible to beach-goers, turning the beach into a lively resort area. And Luna Park’s crowds and loud nightlife added to the congestion and to the lack of privacy and tranquility that the once out-of-the-way beach community prized.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">In June 1907, the Fir Lodge was purchased by the Seattle Auto and Driving Club, an organization of auto enthusiasts who planned to use the lodge as a place for their club members to rendezvous after the long drive from Seattle. In subsequent years, it was a boarding house, a Veteran’s home, and finally the Homestead Restaurant. Around 1908, the carriage house was moved from its original location on the estate, approximately 100’ NW of here, (in the center of the street.) It is believed that when the city put in West Seattle’s streets that this building was moved, to make way for Stevens Street. At that time, the foundation was probably added and the building converted from a stable to additional living spaces. The upstairs of the carriage house is believed to have originally been a hayloft and the space above the inside of the front door was its opening.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">This old building, which is built of Douglas fir logs, has been a home to various Alki families for most of the past 90+ years. At one time it even housed an antique store.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The carriage house was purchased by the Southwest Seattle Historical Society in 1995, restored, and converted into the Log House Museum. The restoration was made possible through a grass-roots fund raising effort which raised over $875,000. The Log House Museum has been open since November 13, 1997, the 146th anniversary of the landing of the Alki party on Alki’s beach. The landscaping is all done with native planting. A granite and marble donor circle adorns the courtyard in tribute to the many people who helped make this heritage project an award-winning facility and a community treasure.</p> </div> <div class="reportthis" style="margin-bottom: 20px;"> <form method="post" action="/seattle-wa/report/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html"> <button type="submit" class="btn btnregister pull-right" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">Flag This Place</button> </form> </div> <div class="report_button_message">Please use "Flag This Place" to alert us about content that is inappropriate or needs immediate attention. 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Warning (2): include(/var/www/vhosts/vcc_staging/app/Resource/aarp2_master.resource.footer.root.html) [<a href='http://php.net/function.include'>function.include</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory [APP/View/Layouts/aarp_2023.ctp, line 244]Code Contextinclude (APP . "Resource/aarp2_master.footer.html");
include (APP . "Resource/aarp2_master.bodyTargeting.html");
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$viewFile = '/var/www/vhosts/vcc_staging/app/View/Layouts/aarp_2023.ctp' $dataForView = array( 'content_for_layout' => '<div class="row twoColumnLayout"> <div class="col-md-8 left-rail"><div class="module clearfix"><div class="ar-basic-box"> <div class="module-spacer"> <header><h1 class="article-headline">Log House Museum</h1></header> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6 left module-spacer"> <p> <div> <div>3003 61st Avenue SouthWest</div> <div> <span>Seattle</span>, <span>WA</span> <span>98116</span> </div> </div> </p> <div> <i class="fa fa-external-link-square"></i> <a href="http://www.loghousemuseum.org/" target="_blank">Log House Museum</a> </div> <div><i class="fa fa-phone-square"></i> 206-938-5293</div> </div> <div class="col-sm-6 module-spacer"> <iframe width="100%" height="220" frameborder="0" style="border:0" src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed/v1/place?key=AIzaSyCU5aZylcrTOLke9e3U0F2mXovlZ4bL8yk&q=Log+House+Museum%2C+3003+61st+Avenue+SouthWest%2C+Seattle%2C+WA+98116" allowfullscreen> </iframe> </div> </div> <div class="module-spacer clearfix"> <p style="text-align: justify;">The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir Lodge was one of the first year-round homes built on Alki Beach and was owned by prominent Seattleites, William and Gladys Bernard.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Mr. Bernard had established the city’s first soap company, Seattle Soap Co. and his wife Gladys was known for her devotion to children’s charities, especially orphaned children. After several summers of camping at Alki, the Bernard’s decided to put down permanent roots as year-round residents. In 1902 they announced plans to construct a unique log house combining the attributes of a summer cottage with a thoroughly modern home. The Fir Lodge was typical of the Rustic Style which was popular at the turn of the century. Today, the Fir Lodge survives as the Homestead Restaurant.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Three years after building the Fir Lodge, the Bernard’s decided to sell their comfortable Alki estate and move back to Seattle. Gladys recalled that it was the separation from the city that made life at Alki difficult. “Servants were hard to keep because we were so far out,” she said, ‘and we couldn’t stay in town at night because the ferry stopped running. When the tide was out we couldn’t come home.” Their young daughter Marie attended a school in Seattle and made a rather lengthy boat commute to school each day. The advent of streetcars made quiet Alki Beach much more accessible to beach-goers, turning the beach into a lively resort area. And Luna Park’s crowds and loud nightlife added to the congestion and to the lack of privacy and tranquility that the once out-of-the-way beach community prized.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">In June 1907, the Fir Lodge was purchased by the Seattle Auto and Driving Club, an organization of auto enthusiasts who planned to use the lodge as a place for their club members to rendezvous after the long drive from Seattle. In subsequent years, it was a boarding house, a Veteran’s home, and finally the Homestead Restaurant. Around 1908, the carriage house was moved from its original location on the estate, approximately 100’ NW of here, (in the center of the street.) It is believed that when the city put in West Seattle’s streets that this building was moved, to make way for Stevens Street. At that time, the foundation was probably added and the building converted from a stable to additional living spaces. The upstairs of the carriage house is believed to have originally been a hayloft and the space above the inside of the front door was its opening.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">This old building, which is built of Douglas fir logs, has been a home to various Alki families for most of the past 90+ years. At one time it even housed an antique store.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The carriage house was purchased by the Southwest Seattle Historical Society in 1995, restored, and converted into the Log House Museum. The restoration was made possible through a grass-roots fund raising effort which raised over $875,000. The Log House Museum has been open since November 13, 1997, the 146th anniversary of the landing of the Alki party on Alki’s beach. The landscaping is all done with native planting. A granite and marble donor circle adorns the courtyard in tribute to the many people who helped make this heritage project an award-winning facility and a community treasure.</p> </div> <div class="reportthis" style="margin-bottom: 20px;"> <form method="post" action="/seattle-wa/report/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html"> <button type="submit" class="btn btnregister pull-right" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">Flag This Place</button> </form> </div> <div class="report_button_message">Please use "Flag This Place" to alert us about content that is inappropriate or needs immediate attention. 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The Fir" name="description"/> <meta content="Log, House, Museum, Seattle, WA" name="keywords"/> <link rel="canonical" href="https://www.americantowns.com/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html" /> <meta property="og:url" content="https://vccstaging.local.aarp.org/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html"/> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"/> <meta name="twitter:title" content="Log House Museum"/> <meta name="twitter:description" content="The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir"/> <meta name="twitter:image" content="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/template/thumbs/generic-icon.jpg"/> <meta property="og:type" content="place"/> <meta property="og:title" content="Log House Museum"/> <meta property="og:description" content="The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. 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The Fir Lodge was one of the first year-round homes built on Alki Beach and was owned by prominent Seattleites, William and Gladys Bernard.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Mr. Bernard had established the city’s first soap company, Seattle Soap Co. and his wife Gladys was known for her devotion to children’s charities, especially orphaned children. After several summers of camping at Alki, the Bernard’s decided to put down permanent roots as year-round residents. In 1902 they announced plans to construct a unique log house combining the attributes of a summer cottage with a thoroughly modern home. The Fir Lodge was typical of the Rustic Style which was popular at the turn of the century. Today, the Fir Lodge survives as the Homestead Restaurant.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Three years after building the Fir Lodge, the Bernard’s decided to sell their comfortable Alki estate and move back to Seattle. Gladys recalled that it was the separation from the city that made life at Alki difficult. “Servants were hard to keep because we were so far out,” she said, ‘and we couldn’t stay in town at night because the ferry stopped running. When the tide was out we couldn’t come home.” Their young daughter Marie attended a school in Seattle and made a rather lengthy boat commute to school each day. The advent of streetcars made quiet Alki Beach much more accessible to beach-goers, turning the beach into a lively resort area. And Luna Park’s crowds and loud nightlife added to the congestion and to the lack of privacy and tranquility that the once out-of-the-way beach community prized.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">In June 1907, the Fir Lodge was purchased by the Seattle Auto and Driving Club, an organization of auto enthusiasts who planned to use the lodge as a place for their club members to rendezvous after the long drive from Seattle. In subsequent years, it was a boarding house, a Veteran’s home, and finally the Homestead Restaurant. Around 1908, the carriage house was moved from its original location on the estate, approximately 100’ NW of here, (in the center of the street.) It is believed that when the city put in West Seattle’s streets that this building was moved, to make way for Stevens Street. At that time, the foundation was probably added and the building converted from a stable to additional living spaces. The upstairs of the carriage house is believed to have originally been a hayloft and the space above the inside of the front door was its opening.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">This old building, which is built of Douglas fir logs, has been a home to various Alki families for most of the past 90+ years. At one time it even housed an antique store.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The carriage house was purchased by the Southwest Seattle Historical Society in 1995, restored, and converted into the Log House Museum. The restoration was made possible through a grass-roots fund raising effort which raised over $875,000. The Log House Museum has been open since November 13, 1997, the 146th anniversary of the landing of the Alki party on Alki’s beach. The landscaping is all done with native planting. A granite and marble donor circle adorns the courtyard in tribute to the many people who helped make this heritage project an award-winning facility and a community treasure.</p> </div> <div class="reportthis" style="margin-bottom: 20px;"> <form method="post" action="/seattle-wa/report/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html"> <button type="submit" class="btn btnregister pull-right" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">Flag This Place</button> </form> </div> <div class="report_button_message">Please use "Flag This Place" to alert us about content that is inappropriate or needs immediate attention. 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The Fir" name="description"/> <meta content="Log, House, Museum, Seattle, WA" name="keywords"/> <link rel="canonical" href="https://www.americantowns.com/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html" /> <meta property="og:url" content="https://vccstaging.local.aarp.org/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html"/> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"/> <meta name="twitter:title" content="Log House Museum"/> <meta name="twitter:description" content="The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir"/> <meta name="twitter:image" content="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/template/thumbs/generic-icon.jpg"/> <meta property="og:type" content="place"/> <meta property="og:title" content="Log House Museum"/> <meta property="og:description" content="The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir"/> <meta property="og:image" content="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/template/thumbs/generic-icon.jpg"/> <meta property="place:location:latitude" content="47.577599"/> <meta property="place:location:longitude" content="-122.411003"/> ' $title_for_layout = 'Place Detail - AARP' $asset_version = '230831' $min = true $nowrapper = false $css = '' $highlighting = '' $location = '<a href="/seattle-wa/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-HOME">Seattle, WA</a>' $no_header = false $header_title = '<a href="/seattle-wa/things-to-do/">Places</a>' $header_subtitle = '' $isPR = false $navbar = '<nav class="section" role="button" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse"> <div class="containerx"> <div class="section-toggle">Sections <i class="fas fa-chevron-down"></i></div> <ul class="secondary-menu containerx" id="secondary-menu" role="menu" aria-busy="true"> <li role="presentation" class=""><a role="menuitem" class="menuitem" href="/seattle-wa/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-HOME" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-HOME">Home</a> </li> <li role="presentation" class=""><a role="menuitem" class="menuitem" href="/seattle-wa/aarp-events/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-OLE" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-EVENTS">Events</a> </li> <li role="presentation" class="active"><a role="menuitem" class="menuitem" href="/seattle-wa/things-to-do/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-TTD" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-THINGSTODO">Things to Do</a></li> <li role="presentation" class=""><a role="menuitem" class="menuitem" href="/seattle-wa/happenings/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-NF" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-HAPPENINGS">News Feed</a> </li> <li role="presentation" class=""><a role="menuitem" class="menuitem" href="/seattle-wa/volunteering/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-VOL" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-VOLUNTEERING">Volunteering</a> </li> <li role="presentation" class=""><a role="menuitem" class="menuitem" href="/seattle-wa/home-and-community/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-HC" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-HC">Home & Community</a> </li> <li role="presentation" class="more " id="submenu-more"> <span role="menuitem" class="menuitem" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-MORE">More<i class="fas fa-chevron-down"></i></span> <ul class="secondary-submenu animate slide-in" id="secondary-submenu"> <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" class="menuitem " href="/seattle-wa/movies/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-MFG" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-MOVIESFORGROWNUPS">Movies for Grownups</a> </li> <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" class="menuitem " href="/seattle-wa/discounts/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-LO" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-OFFERS">Local Offers</a></li> <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" class="menuitem " href="/seattle-wa/local-resources/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-LR" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-LOCALRESOURCES">Local Resources</a> </li> <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" class="menuitem " href="/seattle-wa/jobs/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-WJ" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-WORK&JOBS">Work & Jobs</a></li> <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" class="menuitem " href="/seattle-wa/events/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-CC" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-EVENTS">Community Calendar</a></li> <!-- <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" class="menuitem " href="/seattle-wa/healthy-living/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-HEALTHY_LIVING" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-HEALTHY_LIVING">Healthy Living</a></li> <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" class="menuitem " href="/seattle-wa/arts-entertainment/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-ARTS_ENT" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-ARTS_ENT">Arts & Entertainment</a></li> <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" class="menuitem " href="/seattle-wa/museums/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-NAV-MUSEUMS" data-formelementid="LOCAL-LNK-CLK-MUSEUMS">Museums</a></li> --> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </nav>' $header_custom = '' $breadcrumbs = array( (int) 0 => array( 'title' => 'Things to Do', 'slug' => 'things-to-do' ) ) $row = array( 'title' => 'Back to Things to Do', 'slug' => 'things-to-do' ) $i = (int) 0include - APP/View/Layouts/aarp_2023.ctp, line 244 include - APP/View/Layouts/aarp_2023.ctp, line 244 View::_evaluate() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 971 View::_render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 933 View::renderLayout() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 546 View::render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 481 Controller::render() - CORE/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 963 AppController::renderPage() - APP/Controller/AppController.php, line 136 PlacesController::display() - APP/Controller/PlacesController.php, line 501 ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs() - [internal], line ?? Controller::invokeAction() - CORE/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 491 Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 193 Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 167 [main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 118
Warning (2): include() [<a href='http://php.net/function.include'>function.include</a>]: Failed opening '/var/www/vhosts/vcc_staging/app/Resource/aarp2_master.resource.footer.root.html' for inclusion (include_path='/var/www/vhosts/vcc_staging/lib:.:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php') [APP/View/Layouts/aarp_2023.ctp, line 244]Code Contextinclude (APP . "Resource/aarp2_master.footer.html");
include (APP . "Resource/aarp2_master.bodyTargeting.html");
include (APP . "Resource/aarp2_master.resource.footer.root.html");
$viewFile = '/var/www/vhosts/vcc_staging/app/View/Layouts/aarp_2023.ctp' $dataForView = array( 'content_for_layout' => '<div class="row twoColumnLayout"> <div class="col-md-8 left-rail"><div class="module clearfix"><div class="ar-basic-box"> <div class="module-spacer"> <header><h1 class="article-headline">Log House Museum</h1></header> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6 left module-spacer"> <p> <div> <div>3003 61st Avenue SouthWest</div> <div> <span>Seattle</span>, <span>WA</span> <span>98116</span> </div> </div> </p> <div> <i class="fa fa-external-link-square"></i> <a href="http://www.loghousemuseum.org/" target="_blank">Log House Museum</a> </div> <div><i class="fa fa-phone-square"></i> 206-938-5293</div> </div> <div class="col-sm-6 module-spacer"> <iframe width="100%" height="220" frameborder="0" style="border:0" src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed/v1/place?key=AIzaSyCU5aZylcrTOLke9e3U0F2mXovlZ4bL8yk&q=Log+House+Museum%2C+3003+61st+Avenue+SouthWest%2C+Seattle%2C+WA+98116" allowfullscreen> </iframe> </div> </div> <div class="module-spacer clearfix"> <p style="text-align: justify;">The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir Lodge was one of the first year-round homes built on Alki Beach and was owned by prominent Seattleites, William and Gladys Bernard.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Mr. Bernard had established the city’s first soap company, Seattle Soap Co. and his wife Gladys was known for her devotion to children’s charities, especially orphaned children. After several summers of camping at Alki, the Bernard’s decided to put down permanent roots as year-round residents. In 1902 they announced plans to construct a unique log house combining the attributes of a summer cottage with a thoroughly modern home. The Fir Lodge was typical of the Rustic Style which was popular at the turn of the century. Today, the Fir Lodge survives as the Homestead Restaurant.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Three years after building the Fir Lodge, the Bernard’s decided to sell their comfortable Alki estate and move back to Seattle. Gladys recalled that it was the separation from the city that made life at Alki difficult. “Servants were hard to keep because we were so far out,” she said, ‘and we couldn’t stay in town at night because the ferry stopped running. When the tide was out we couldn’t come home.” Their young daughter Marie attended a school in Seattle and made a rather lengthy boat commute to school each day. The advent of streetcars made quiet Alki Beach much more accessible to beach-goers, turning the beach into a lively resort area. And Luna Park’s crowds and loud nightlife added to the congestion and to the lack of privacy and tranquility that the once out-of-the-way beach community prized.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">In June 1907, the Fir Lodge was purchased by the Seattle Auto and Driving Club, an organization of auto enthusiasts who planned to use the lodge as a place for their club members to rendezvous after the long drive from Seattle. In subsequent years, it was a boarding house, a Veteran’s home, and finally the Homestead Restaurant. Around 1908, the carriage house was moved from its original location on the estate, approximately 100’ NW of here, (in the center of the street.) It is believed that when the city put in West Seattle’s streets that this building was moved, to make way for Stevens Street. At that time, the foundation was probably added and the building converted from a stable to additional living spaces. The upstairs of the carriage house is believed to have originally been a hayloft and the space above the inside of the front door was its opening.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">This old building, which is built of Douglas fir logs, has been a home to various Alki families for most of the past 90+ years. At one time it even housed an antique store.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The carriage house was purchased by the Southwest Seattle Historical Society in 1995, restored, and converted into the Log House Museum. The restoration was made possible through a grass-roots fund raising effort which raised over $875,000. The Log House Museum has been open since November 13, 1997, the 146th anniversary of the landing of the Alki party on Alki’s beach. The landscaping is all done with native planting. A granite and marble donor circle adorns the courtyard in tribute to the many people who helped make this heritage project an award-winning facility and a community treasure.</p> </div> <div class="reportthis" style="margin-bottom: 20px;"> <form method="post" action="/seattle-wa/report/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html"> <button type="submit" class="btn btnregister pull-right" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">Flag This Place</button> </form> </div> <div class="report_button_message">Please use "Flag This Place" to alert us about content that is inappropriate or needs immediate attention. Nothing you submit will be shared with other site visitors. </div> <style> .report_button_message { color: #333; font-size: 12px; clear: both; } </style> </div> </div> </div><div class="module clearfix"><div class="module-spacer tout-homefit-750"> <a data-formelementid="CSN-LOCAL-HC-PLSK-02272024" href="/seattle-wa/home-and-community/?intcmp=CSN-LOCAL-HC-PLSK-02272024"><img class="img-responsive" alt="Explore the free AARP HomeFit Guide" title="Explore the free AARP HomeFit Guide" src="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/touts/HomeFit_750x150.png"></a> </div></div></div> <div class="col-md-4 right-rail thin-rhs"><div class="module clearfix"><!--default--> <!-- module_RHS - AARP Events --> <div class="ar-basic-box module-spacer"> <header> <div class="pull-right"> <a href="/seattle-wa/aarp-events/" data-formelementid="LOCAL-BTN-CLK-SEEALL-EVENTS"> <img style="width:30px;" src="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/template/icons/aarp_event_icon.png" alt="Upcoming AARP Events" /> </a> </div> <h2 class="visible-lg">AARP Events for Seattle</h2> <h2 class="hidden-lg">AARP Events for Seattle</h2> </header> <div class="wrap"> <div class="ar-listing snippet"> <ul class="list"> <li class="item" data-pageindex="1"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/aarp-event/carfit-virtual-workshop-lets-talk-vehicle-safety-and-comfort-mjn8hlhnpds.html" data-formelementid="LOCAL-BTN-CLK-EVENTS-CARFIT-VIRTUAL-WORKSHOP-LETS-TALK-VEHICLE-SAFETY-AND-COMFORT">CarFit Virtual Workshop: Let's Talk – Vehicle Safety and Comfort</a></h2> <p class="time">Wednesday, Jan 8, 2025 at 11:30 a.m. PT</p> <p class="venue">Zoom</p> <p class="loc">Online Event</p> </li><li class="item" data-pageindex="1"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/aarp-event/power-up-your-knowledge-on-electric-vehicles-g8n9h8w7lrw.html" data-formelementid="LOCAL-BTN-CLK-EVENTS-POWER-UP-YOUR-KNOWLEDGE-ON-ELECTRIC-VEHICLES">Power Up Your Knowledge on Electric Vehicles</a></h2> <p class="time">Monday, Jan 13, 2025 at 4:00 p.m. PT</p> <p class="venue">Zoom</p> <p class="loc">Online Event</p> </li><li class="item" data-pageindex="1"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/driver-safety/aarp-smart-driver-montesano-wa-c34209.html" data-formelementid="LOCAL-BTN-CLK-EVENTS-AARP-SMART-DRIVERTM-MONTESANO-PRESBYTERIAN-CHURCH">AARP Smart Driver™: Montesano Presbyterian Church</a></h2> <p class="time">Wednesday, Jan 15, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. PT</p> <p class="venue">Montesano Presbyterian Church</p> <p class="loc">Montesano, WA</p> </li> </ul> <p><a class="link-red" href="/seattle-wa/aarp-events/" data-formelementid="LOCAL-BTN-CLK-SEEALL-EVENTS">View All AARP Events<i class="ml-1 fas fa-chevron-right"></i></a></p> </div> </div> </div> <div aria-hidden="true" class="aarpe-ad-wrapper"> <div class="aarpe-ad en clearfix" id="300x250_53475" data-adsize="300x250"> <script type="text/javascript"> if(typeof AARP.ads !== 'undefined'){ AARP.ads.slots({ id:'300x250_53475', size:'300x250'}); } </script> </div> </div> <div class="card-tout card-dark membership-tout" style="margin:0 0 30px 0;"> <img class="img-responsive image" title="image of two AARP membership cards" alt="image of two AARP membership cards" src="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/tout-two-cards.png"> <div class="title">Only $12 your first year with Automatic Renewal</div> <ul class="list"> <li>Immediate access to your <a href="https://www.aarp.org/benefits-discounts/">member benefits</a></li> <li>Discounts on travel and everyday savings</li> <li>Subscription to AARP The Magazine</li> <li>FREE second membership</li> </ul> <div class="action"> <a class="btn" href="https://appsec.aarp.org/mem/join?campaignid=UAJFT3&intcmp=LNK-CSN-AARPLOCAL-JRTOUT-RR-A-SEATTLE-WA">Join AARP</a> <div class="body">Already a member? 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The Fir" name="description"/> <meta content="Log, House, Museum, Seattle, WA" name="keywords"/> <link rel="canonical" href="https://www.americantowns.com/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html" /> <meta property="og:url" content="https://vccstaging.local.aarp.org/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html"/> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"/> <meta name="twitter:title" content="Log House Museum"/> <meta name="twitter:description" content="The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir"/> <meta name="twitter:image" content="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/template/thumbs/generic-icon.jpg"/> <meta property="og:type" content="place"/> <meta property="og:title" content="Log House Museum"/> <meta property="og:description" content="The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir"/> <meta property="og:image" content="https://cdn-aarp.americantowns.com/img/template/thumbs/generic-icon.jpg"/> <meta property="place:location:latitude" content="47.577599"/> <meta property="place:location:longitude" content="-122.411003"/> ', 'title_for_layout' => 'Place Detail - AARP' ) $content_for_layout = '<div class="row twoColumnLayout"> <div class="col-md-8 left-rail"><div class="module clearfix"><div class="ar-basic-box"> <div class="module-spacer"> <header><h1 class="article-headline">Log House Museum</h1></header> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6 left module-spacer"> <p> <div> <div>3003 61st Avenue SouthWest</div> <div> <span>Seattle</span>, <span>WA</span> <span>98116</span> </div> </div> </p> <div> <i class="fa fa-external-link-square"></i> <a href="http://www.loghousemuseum.org/" target="_blank">Log House Museum</a> </div> <div><i class="fa fa-phone-square"></i> 206-938-5293</div> </div> <div class="col-sm-6 module-spacer"> <iframe width="100%" height="220" frameborder="0" style="border:0" src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed/v1/place?key=AIzaSyCU5aZylcrTOLke9e3U0F2mXovlZ4bL8yk&q=Log+House+Museum%2C+3003+61st+Avenue+SouthWest%2C+Seattle%2C+WA+98116" allowfullscreen> </iframe> </div> </div> <div class="module-spacer clearfix"> <p style="text-align: justify;">The Log House Museum is located in a renovated turn-of-the-century log structure which once served as a carriage house, or stable, to the Fir Lodge. The Fir Lodge was one of the first year-round homes built on Alki Beach and was owned by prominent Seattleites, William and Gladys Bernard.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Mr. Bernard had established the city’s first soap company, Seattle Soap Co. and his wife Gladys was known for her devotion to children’s charities, especially orphaned children. After several summers of camping at Alki, the Bernard’s decided to put down permanent roots as year-round residents. In 1902 they announced plans to construct a unique log house combining the attributes of a summer cottage with a thoroughly modern home. The Fir Lodge was typical of the Rustic Style which was popular at the turn of the century. Today, the Fir Lodge survives as the Homestead Restaurant.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Three years after building the Fir Lodge, the Bernard’s decided to sell their comfortable Alki estate and move back to Seattle. Gladys recalled that it was the separation from the city that made life at Alki difficult. “Servants were hard to keep because we were so far out,” she said, ‘and we couldn’t stay in town at night because the ferry stopped running. When the tide was out we couldn’t come home.” Their young daughter Marie attended a school in Seattle and made a rather lengthy boat commute to school each day. The advent of streetcars made quiet Alki Beach much more accessible to beach-goers, turning the beach into a lively resort area. And Luna Park’s crowds and loud nightlife added to the congestion and to the lack of privacy and tranquility that the once out-of-the-way beach community prized.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">In June 1907, the Fir Lodge was purchased by the Seattle Auto and Driving Club, an organization of auto enthusiasts who planned to use the lodge as a place for their club members to rendezvous after the long drive from Seattle. In subsequent years, it was a boarding house, a Veteran’s home, and finally the Homestead Restaurant. Around 1908, the carriage house was moved from its original location on the estate, approximately 100’ NW of here, (in the center of the street.) It is believed that when the city put in West Seattle’s streets that this building was moved, to make way for Stevens Street. At that time, the foundation was probably added and the building converted from a stable to additional living spaces. The upstairs of the carriage house is believed to have originally been a hayloft and the space above the inside of the front door was its opening.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">This old building, which is built of Douglas fir logs, has been a home to various Alki families for most of the past 90+ years. At one time it even housed an antique store.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The carriage house was purchased by the Southwest Seattle Historical Society in 1995, restored, and converted into the Log House Museum. The restoration was made possible through a grass-roots fund raising effort which raised over $875,000. The Log House Museum has been open since November 13, 1997, the 146th anniversary of the landing of the Alki party on Alki’s beach. The landscaping is all done with native planting. A granite and marble donor circle adorns the courtyard in tribute to the many people who helped make this heritage project an award-winning facility and a community treasure.</p> </div> <div class="reportthis" style="margin-bottom: 20px;"> <form method="post" action="/seattle-wa/report/place/log-house-museum-seattle-wa.html"> <button type="submit" class="btn btnregister pull-right" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">Flag This Place</button> </form> </div> <div class="report_button_message">Please use "Flag This Place" to alert us about content that is inappropriate or needs immediate attention. 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